Chapter 144: What's wrong with Sabine?

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It's Thursday morning, Marinette yawned and she looked at the calendar at today's date. Marinette: It's Thursday. I gotta a lot to do for today.

Tikki: Like what?

Marinette: I gotta help plan Timmy's party for Saturday, gotta get started on Clara's costume for her show tomorrow night, pick out a Father's Day present for dad for all of us, and with Luka's birthday coming up, I gotta plan his surprise since he's gonna be 18 in next weekend.

Tikki: Wow, that's a lot to do. But his birthday is until next Saturday. You'll have plenty of time to make something for him.

Marinette: You're right, but it's better this way to get started on an early process.

Tikki: I'm sure you'll think of something.

Marinette: Hopefully. Right now my mind is all over the place.

Tom: Marinette, you up?

Marinette: Yeah. *He opens the trapdoor and he sees Marinette in bed and up.*

Tom: Breakfast is ready. It's omelet Thursday.

Marinette: Okay. *He closes the trapdoor and Marinette gets out of bed and goes downstairs to the table. There, she sees Marin and Timmy eating their omelets, Uncle Tim getting some for Bridgette, and Yéyé Gregory drinking some coffee and taking a bite of his omelet.*

Tim: Good morning, Marinette

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Tim: Good morning, Marinette.

Marinette: Morning, uncle Tim.

Yéyé Gregory: Good morning, Marinette.

Marinette: Morning, grandpa. *She kisses him on the cheek.*

Tom: Here you go. *He handed her a plate.*

Marinette: Thank you. *She sits down and eats her breakfast.* Where's Bridgette?

Marin: She probably got up early and got ready before anyone else.

Bridgette: You got that right. *She came downstairs brushing her pigtails with her hairbrush.*

Tom: Here you go.

Bridgette: Mmm. I love omelets. *She sits down and eats with the others. Soon, Sabine walked downstairs to the kitchen, in her robe.*

Tom: Hey, honey. How are you feeling?

Sabine: Doing... okay.

Tom: You're sure?

Sabine: Yeah. Probably sick.

Tom: I don't know. I heard you throwing up last night and a little bit in the morning.

Sabine: Probably food poisoning from last night. *She was about to sit down, but she start to gag again.* Oh god, not again. *She runs to the kitchen sink and throws up.*

Tom: Aww in the dishwater

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Tom: Aww in the dishwater. *Sabine wipes her mouth with her sleeve.*

Yéyé Gregory: What's wrong with you?

Sabine: Just a bug, that's all.

Yéyé Gregory: Bug my foot. You're not pregnant, are you?

Sabine: Dad!

Yéyé Gregory: What? Can you blame me? I bet Tom can't keep it in his pants.

Marin: Aww, seriously!?

Bridgette: I think I lost my appetite.

Sabine: Not in front of them.

Yéyé Gregory: What? Your mom was like that when she was pregnant with you. We were doing our thing and getting our freak on.

Timmy: Can't hear this. Lalalalalalalala...

Marinette: Make him stop!

Marin: I'm gonna be sick.

Tom: Okay, that's enough. Gregory, we don't wanna hear no more of it.

Yéyé Gregory: You know it's time to tell them about sex.

Bridgette: That's it, I'm done.

Marin: I'm gonna go throw up.

Marinette: I'm gonna go upstairs.

Timmy: I'm not hungry anymore. *They all go upstairs to their rooms.*

Tim: You scared and grossed them out.

Yéyé Gregory: Y'all a bunch of wusses. *He eats his omelet.*

Tom: I'm gonna schedule an appointment with the doctor and find out what's going on.

Sabine: Okay. *Tom gets the phone and make the appointment.*

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