Chapter 60: Returning the miraculouses and heading back to the zoo

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In the city, Ladybug meets with Bubble at Sabrina's house.

Bubble: Otill, pop bubbles! *She de-transforms and Otill hovers next to Sabrina, she hands Ladybug the miraculous back.*

Sabrina: Thanks, Ladybug

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Sabrina: Thanks, Ladybug.

Ladybug: Sure thing, Sabrina. See you soon. *She threw her yo-yo out the window and swing away too, Sabrina close the window. Ladybug goes to Cat Queen at the Louvre.*

Cat Queen: Jynx, slow down! *She de-transforms and Jynx hovers next to Alix, she gives Ladybug the miraculous back.*

Alix: Thanks again, Ladybug

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Alix: Thanks again, Ladybug.

Ladybug: Don't mention it. See you soon, Alix. *She leaves the Louvre and Alix walks away. Outside, Ladybug swings across the city and lands at the park, and sees Aqua.*

Aqua: Bluu, back to land! *She de-transforms and Bluu hovers next to Kagami, she returns the miraculous back to Ladybug.*

Kagami: Thank you, Ladybug

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Kagami: Thank you, Ladybug.

Ladybug: Sure thing, Kagami. Bug out! *She throws out her yo-yo and swings away, Kagami goes to the car and heads home.*

In Marinette's house, Ladybug leaps through her balcony window and lands on her bed, she gets her miracle box and opens it up, put them back in its place, and put the miracle box back in the drawer, her miraculous beep to the second spot.

The one who lost hope (sequel): Evil strikes again part 1Where stories live. Discover now