Chapter 199: Training day with Master Fu

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The next day, it's Monday and day one of training with Master Fu, so far they made it and in the open field too.

Master Fu: Okay. Welcome to day one of Hero training. I know you're all skilled heroes, but skill is not the only thing you have, you gotta have a strategy and battle tactics. Anybody could strike at any moment and take your miraculouses. You gotta be aware of that.

Marin: How will we know when that would happen?

Master Fu: Best bet is to work on your instincts. We'll work on instincts next time. Let's work on your fighting tactic and weapon handling. What I have are the imitating weapons you all users from your battles. *He throws a yoyo at Marinette, he throws a boa staff at Luka, he throws a spear at Adrien, he throws a rollboarer at Jessica, a ribbon at Aeon, katana swords at Marin, a metal fan to Bridgette, Zoey a blade, and Lukas ninja stars.*

Lukas: Cool.

Master Fu: Now, for this, you will do a one-on-one with your opponent. So Marinette, you'll duel with Jessica, Adrien with Bridgette, Luka with Lukas, Aeon with Zoey, and Marin with me.

Marin: Sweet.

Master Fu: Let's get started. Go. *They go to their duel partners and start dueling. Marinette twirl her yo-yo and she throw it out at Jessica, she missed and Jessica twirl her rollboarer and throw it at Marinette, but Marinette flipped backward and throw her yo-yo out again, Bridgette open her fan and Adrien fight Bridgette with his spear, she block the spear blows, Bridgette throw her fan out and it hit him.*

Adrien: Ow. *The fan came back and Bridgette caught the fan and fan herself too. Luka twirl his staff and hold it out Lukas get his ninja stars out and he throw them at Luka, he use his staff and deflect the stars off, Master Fu watch them, Marin run up with two katana swords, but Master Fu tripped him and he fell.*

Marin: Hey. *Master Fu chuckled. Aeon twirls her ribbon and flicked it and Zoey swings her blade and holds it out. Aeon twirl her ribbon and throw it out and Zoey backflip away and she skidded onto her feet, she hold her blade out and charge at her and swing her blade, Aeon deflect the blade swings and twirl her ribbon and grab the blade and pull forward, and away from Zoey, she caught it.*

Zoey: Nice.

Aeon: Thanks. *She throws the blade back to Zoey and they keep dueling. Marin swings his blades and Master Fu duck and deflect the strikes with his cane.*

In the volcano lair, Scarlet Truther looked at the view of Paris, France, and people walking too. Soon, the double doors start to open, it was Syndrome.

 Soon, the double doors start to open, it was Syndrome

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Scarlet Truther: Syndrome. You're back.

Syndrome: Just checking if there's anything that has going on since I was in the lab. Did anything happen?

Scarlet Truther: Just another fail, with not two, but three villains.

Syndrome: A fail, huh? Well, I have someone in mind to help with this battle. *He whistled and the double doors opened and it was a villain.*

Scarlet Truther: Who's that?

Syndrome: Say hello to Sheriff Evilister.

Syndrome: Say hello to Sheriff Evilister

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Sheriff Evilister: Howdy, lil lady.

Scarlet Truther: Seriously? A cowboy villain? Is that the best you can do?

Syndrome: This is one of my new villains. The ones I have planned are still in the lab. I'll have to go back and get back to work on them.

Scarlet Truther: What are you working on in there?

Syndrome: You'll see when I get to them. In the meantime, I'll leave the villain work to you.

Scarlet Truther: Okay.

Syndrome: Sheriff Evilister, you work for Scarlet Truther. She'll tell you what your job is.

Sheriff Evilister: You got it, partner. *Syndrome headed back to the lab and Scarlet Truther looked at Sheriff Evilister.* What do I have to do, pilgrim? *Scarlet Truther rolled her eyes.*

In Paris, France, the battle training was over, now they get to the meditating ability.

Master Fu: Next training is the meditating trick. Meditation is the art of emptying your mind. You have negative thoughts inside your head and you want them to go away, you can't let them get to you, even when it's fighting a villain.

Bridgette: How will this meditating trick work?

Master Fu: Just sit and breathe. Just sit, cross your legs, and let the wind channel your inner peace. *They relax and the wind starts to move and the cherry blossom petals flow in the wind. They meditated for 1/2 an hour, then the gong rang.* Meditation's done. How do you all feel?

Jessica: Like floating on a cloud.

Master Fu: We will continue training next time. We'll continue training next time. *They said bye to Master Fu and leave his house.*

Marin: Well, this training's been okay. But we got the whole day to ourselves.

Bridgette: True. But I wanna do something. We could go see a movie, I heard there's a new café we can try...

Zoey: I'm sure there's something we can all do. *They think for a little bit.*

Lukas: I'm sure we could do something besides not doing anything.

Zoey: I was thinking maybe going to the beach.

Aeon: I've never been to a beach before.

Adrien: Never?

Jessica: They don't have beaches in New York City, just in Brooklyn. We never went there.

Marinette: You guys can join us.

Jessica: Sure.

Aeon: Okay.

Zoey: Sounds like fun.

Lukas: Cool.

Luka: Let's get home and get ready. *They head to their houses and get ready for their beach trip.*

This book can hold 200 pages maximum. I'll work on part 2 later on. Probably tomorrow or when I'm done with my other book. In the meantime, read part one of the sequel and tell me what you think of it in the comment, what's your favorite part, favorite hero, villain, power-ups, and other stuff in part 1. Thank you for reading part 1 of The one that lost hope (sequel): Evil Strikes Again. 😁👋

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