Chapter 186: Heroes vs Disappearo

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In the backyard, Disappearo starts firing his magic wand and making things disappear and turn good stuff into bad stuff, Timmy hides under the table and Disappearo goes to the table and lifts it with his wand, Timmy gasped.

Disappearo: Hey, birthday boy, wanna see a magic trick?

Tom: Get away from my son!

Disappearo: Oh you want to see a trick too? Well, how about I make you disappear? Abracadabra! *He point his wand and made Tom disappear.*

Timmy: DAD!

Disappearo: Let's get this party started.

Scarlet Fly: Hold it, Disappearo. You can ruin the kid's birthday party later, give me the miraculous first.

Disappearo: You got it, Scarlet Fly. Why don't we start with another disappearing trick? Starting with you. *Soon, a porcupine quill hit Disappearo in the butt.* Ow! What the?

Mister Quills: Get away from the birthday boy! *He flies down and kicks Disappearo in the face and he fell back.*

Disappearo: Who shot me? *He turned around and he see them.*

Ladybug: Don't you know it's rude to ruin a kid's birthday party?

Disappearo: Well don't you know it's rude to interrupt an amazing trick? How about I try a trick on you all and that's taking your miraculous. *He swing his wand out and made a purple sonic blast appeared, they leap up and the blast hit a tree.* Don't worry, children. I must make these unwanted party guests disappear. But don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you yet, birthday boy. Just sit tight and watch my big trick. *They all gasped, he take his hat off and fired flames at them, they get away from the flames, Disappearo scowled and twiddle his fingers making a few doves appear.* Fly away, my pretties. *He let them go, but they start to grow bigger, they evade the doves, and they fly away.*

Ladybug: Get Timmy to safety

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Ladybug: Get Timmy to safety. We'll deal with him! *Mister Quills run to Timmy.*

Mister Quills: You okay?

Timmy: Yeah. *Ladybug twirls her yo-yo as Disappearo fires his wand and made a scarf rope appeared, he tied Ladybug up. She struggles to free herself.*

Disappearo: Gotcha! Now to get what's rightfully mine. *He pull Ladybug close to her and reach for her earrings, but a sword just cut the scarf and freed Ladybug.* Hey! Who did that? You're ruining my trick! No matter, this party was no fun anyway. I'll be needed elsewhere. *He whistles to a dove, gets on one and flies away.*

Eagle: He's getting away.

Ladybug: He won't go too far. Take a head start, I'm gonna check on Timmy.*

Blue Feather: Okay. *They follow Disappearo and Ladybug goes to Timmy.

Ladybug: You okay?

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