Chapter 56: Release the skunks

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In the volcano lair, Pepe Le Pew gets ready to go to Paris again.

Syndrome: Okay. Another day, another villain attacked. Pepe, are you ready to go back to Paris?

Pepe Le Pew: Oui, oui, Syndrome. I got my weapons ready to go. *He pulls his sack out.* My stink bazooka, dart gun, and cannon with my homemade stink bombs.

Syndrome: Smelly, but good. Head to Paris. But first... head to the zoo.

Pepe Le Pew: Why the zoo?

Syndrome: That's where they are. Start there and keep going.

Pepe Le Pew: Got it. *Syndrome teleports Pepe Le Pew to the Zoo.*

At the zoo, Marinette came back.

Luka: Hey. What happened?

Marinette: Nothing. Just ran into Lila.

Luka: She wasn't bothering you, was she?

Marinette: No. (Yes.)

Luka: Okay.

Alya: We're about to go see the Tigers. Let's go.

Marinette: Okay. *They go to the Tiger exhibit. Soon, Pepe appeared and people start to scream in fear.*

Female citizen: SKUNK!

Jessica: What was that?

Nino: Think someone said skunk.

Pepe Le Pew: Run free, my minions. Stink up everywhere. *The skunks run all over the zoo and spray people too, people start to scream and run away in fear and the smell got strong too. Pepe starts firing his stink cannon and it exploded, people start to gag and cough from the smell, and the others smell it too.*

Alya: What is that? *She starts to cough

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Alya: What is that? *She starts to cough.*

Adrien: That is bad. Is there a skunk at the zoo?

Marinette: I'm guessing yes. *Pepe commands the skunks to get out of the zoo.*

Luka: Where are they going?

Marinette: Not sure. *She covered her mouth too.*

Kim: I don't feel so good. *He almost gags from the smell.*

Nino: Oh man, this is bad.

Alya: Come on. *They run off, Otis came back and he smells something bad.*

Otis: What's going on? *He smells the smell and looks disgusted.* And what is that smell?

Alya: I think a skunk went by.

Otis: A skunk? Impossible, there are no skunks in the zoo.

Jessica: Then where did it come from? It smells bad. *Aeon look disgusted and Nino covered his nose and mouth.*

Otis: I don't know. But don't worry, it'll go away soon. *He walks away.*

Marinette: We better take care of this. Come on. *They run behind the restroom building.*

Jessica: Something tells me it's not an ordinary skunk.

Marinette: You're right about that. And I know who it is. *She gets Tikki out, Luka gets Plagg out, Jessica gets Liiri out, and Adrien gets Fangg out.*

Fangg: Blegh! *He holds his nose.* What is that smell?

Plagg: It's a skunk. I should know, I smelled one last time.

Marinette: We'll ignore the smell later, right now, we have to stop him. Tikki, spots on! *She transforms into Ladybug.*

Luka: Plagg, claws out! *He transforms into Black Panther.*

Adrien: Fangg, let's howl! *He transforms into White Fang.*

Jessica: Liiri, wings of Liberty! *She transforms into Eagle. And Aeon presses her bracelet and transforms into Uncanny Valley.*

Ladybug: Let's go. *They leap up and run through the skunk smell, White Fang coughs a little bit.*

White Fang: Ugh. It gets worse when you run on the ground.

Ladybug: Time to go to higher ground. *They leap up and Eagle and Uncanny Valley fly in the air.*

Eagle: The air is much better up here

Ladybug: It does. *She tracks Pepe Le Pew on her yo-yo and he's in the city.*

Uncanny Valley: Where did he go?

Ladybug: He's in the city. But hold on. *They all stopped.* Look down there. *They look down and they see a lot of skunks down there, scurrying all over, spraying people too.*

Black Panther: There's a lot of them. How are we gonna handle this one?

Ladybug: Not sure. First, we gotta clear the streets and the air too. Let's go! *They leap down and the skunks start to snarl and growl.*

Eagle: They don't look too happy. *Pepe Le Pew laughs evilly.*

Pepe Le Pew: So, we meet again Ladybug and Black Panther. And I see you got some help. A dog, a bird, and a robot. But they are no match for the beloved aroma of a skunk.

Black Panther: If by beloved, you mean nauseating and violating? Then yes, it is beloved.

Pepe Le Pew: Quiet, pussy cat. One more smart comment from you and I'll blast you with my skunk cannon.

Ladybug: Look. Call off your skunks and go home. You're making people suffer from your smell.

Pepe Le Pew: Then let them suffer. This smell will make them not only nauseating, but cause blindness, gagging, and going into a stink coma. The zoo was only the beginning, now I get to take over the city. And it'll all be over if you give me what I want: your miraculous.

Ladybug: Nice try, weasel. It's gonna take a lot more than your stink to get our miraculouses. *She twirls her yo-yo, Black Panther twirls his staff, White Fang holds his spear, Eagle gets her talon hook, and Uncanny Valley gets into battle mode.* And we're not giving them up.

Pepe Le Pew: You're gonna have to give them up eventually. Enjoy the scent of the skunk. I got a city to foul up. Au revoir. Attack! *He fly off and the skunks charged at them.*

White Fang: I'm gonna need a long bath after this.

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