Chapter 93: Giant Cyclops attack

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In the city, the giant Cyclops appeared and he start using his gavel hammer and start destruction, people start to scream and run away in fear.

Giant Cyclops: Miraculous! Gimme now! *He stomps all over the place and she starts seeing the park and he starts stomping slowly there.*

At the Pride Month Festival, Jagged Stone's on stage performing, when Marinette see something from the far end, she started to move, and Luka noticed her moving.

Luka: Hey, where are you going?

Marinette: We gotta go.

Luka: Go? Go where?

Marinette: Just go before he gets here.

Luka: Wait, wait. Who? *Soon, a shaking effect came.*

Marinette: That's who. *Luka looked and he see the giant cyclops, he start to roar and everyone start to panic and scream, Jagged Stone run off the stage as the Giant Cyclops smash the stage.*

Jessica: Ugh! So much for a villain-free day.

Andre: This is not how a festival should be.

Audrey: Oh quit your complaining and do something!

Tom: Think this is the last time we ever catered a festival.

Sabine: Oh don't be ridicu... Look out! *A giant hammer smashed the booth.*

Marinette: MOM! DAD! *They crawl out of the scene, Marinette sighed with relief. She looked up and see the Giant Cyclops, Timmy run to his parents.*

Timmy: What is that?

Tom: I don't know, but it's not safe. *Marinette, Luka, Jessica, Aeon, Marin, and Bridgett hide behind the photo booth.*

Marin: What the heck is that?

Jessica: A cyclops. Somehow it's been brought here.

Marinette: It has been sent here. *She scowls and looks up too.* And I know from who. *She gets Tikki out, Luka gets Plagg out, Jessica gets Lirii out, Marin gets Spiike out, and Bridgette gets Purry out.*

Plagg: I thought we were enjoying the festival.

Luka: We are, but we gotta deal with someone. Are you sure you can be Ladybug? What about your ankle?

Marinette: My ankle's getting better. As long as I don't overdo it, I'll be fine.

Jessica: Alright.

Marin: If you're sure about this.

Marinette: I got it. Guess this creep doesn't know the meaning of Pride Month. Tikki, spots on! *She transforms into Ladybug.*

Luka: Plagg, claws out! *He transforms into Black Panther.*

Jessica: Lirri, wings of liberty! *She transforms into Eagle. Aeon presses the button on her bracelet and she turns into Uncanny Valley.*

Marin: Spiike, quills up! *He transforms into Mister Quills.*

Bridgette: Purry, spread my feathers! *She transforms into Blue Feather. They all run out and see the Giant Cyclops, he looked down and sees them, so he swings his mallet down, they evade the mallet and try to get close to him, Eagle flies up and gets close to him, but he swings his hand close to Eagle, she swoops to the right and the left, he roared and he swats her, she starts to fall and Ladybug caught her.*

Eagle: I don't think I can get to him.

Ladybug: Guess we can try a better approach.

On the way to the park, Adrien sees a monster.

Adrien: (Uh-oh. A monster. I better help the others.)

Emilie: Oh goodness. Is this a publicity stunt for the festival or is it real?

Adrien: I think it's real. Do you mind?

Emilie: Do what you're destined to do. *Adrien grinned at his mom.*

Adrien: Thanks, mom. *He gets Fangg out.* Fangg, let's howl! *He transforms into White Fang.*

White Fang: Hide in plain sight, mom.

Emilie: Okay, dear. Be careful.

White Fang: I got it. *He made a moon hoverboard and go to the park.*

Emilie: (Go get him, my little wolf pup.)

The one who lost hope (sequel): Evil strikes again part 1Where stories live. Discover now