Chapter 82: Heroes vs Mime Colony

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In the city, the heroes see the Mime Colony.

In the city, the heroes see the Mime Colony

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Eagle: There's so many of them. How will we handle this one?

Black Panther: We dealt with this before, we'll do it again. They're just proving a point that mimes are scary, but they're not.

White Fang: Yeah. They're just freaks in makeup, pretend they're trapped in a box, and do other stuff.

Lady beetle: Well, let's deal with this Mine madness once and for all. *They leap down and face them.*

Alpha Mime: Huh. The famous heroes. Ready for round 2?

Lady Beetle: That would be a no.

Alpha Mime: Who are these 2? I don't believe we properly met.

Mister Quills: Name's Mister Quills.

Blue Feather: And I'm Blue Feather.

Alpha Mime: Don't care. Mimes, attack! *All of the mimes charge at them, they draw their weapons and fight all of them off. Lady Beetle threw her yo-yo out and boink a few of them and boink a few more, Black Panther swing his staff and struck a few too, threw in his cat nip bomb and the mimes start to cough and gag a little bit, Eagle flies up and she threw her talon rope and wrap a few mimes, twirls them up and threw them out far away, White Fang spin his spear and made a moon Boulder appeared and roll it towards the mimes, they run, but instead, they got crushed, Mister Quills point his pin cushion and shoot out quill needles at the mimes and some got struck, and Blue Feather open her fan, she starts to flutter her fan and turn it into a frisbee and threw it at the mimes and she caught it and fan herself too. But then, more keep coming.*

Lady Beetle: There's too many of them, how are we gonna end this?

Mister Quills: You got the Ladybug power, think you can use a lucky charm to stop them or something?

Lady Beetle: I don't know. We need help. *Black Panther flipped one over.*

Black Panther: I got this one. *He calls Marinette.*

In Marinette's room, Marinette read a book and her phone buzzed, it was a message from Master Fu saying "There is a way to stop a villain who can replicate a million clones. Call upon your powers and it'll wipe them out completely."

Marinette: Hmm. Useful. *Her phone rang, and she answer it.* Hello?

Black Panther: Marinette, we got a problem. The Alpha Mine keeps making copies of the mimes. We can't fight them off.

Marinette: I got a solution for that. Master Fu said there was a way to stop that. So listen carefully.

Black Panther: Guys, come together. *They come together and hear what Marinette is saying.*

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