Chapter 91: Morning before the Pride month festival

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It's Sunday and it's the tenth annual Pride Month festival in Paris. The sun start to shine and Marinette woke up and she look at the time too.

Marinette: Good morning, Tikki.

Tikki: Good morning, Marinette.

Marinette: What day is it? *Tikki flies up to the calendar.*

Tikki: Sunday and a picture of a rainbow flag on the day.

Marinette: It's the Pride Month festival.

Tikki: What's the pride month festival?

Marinette: It's an event where they celebrate people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, or LGBT for short. Since June is Pride Month, they decided to do an event for people's sexuality.

Tikki: Wow. I didn't know about that.

Marinette: Yep. My family is catering at the festival. We get to go.

Tom: Kids, breakfast! Fresh pancakes are ready.

Marinette: Pancakes! *She gets out of bed and felt her ankle.* Hmm. A little sore, but it's still okay. *She starts to walk a little bit and heads downstairs to the kitchen.*

Tom: Here you go pride pancakes.

Tom: Here you go pride pancakes

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Marin: Thanks, dad. *He pours syrup on his pancakes.*

Bridgette: Mmm. They smell delicious. *Timmy takes a bite.*

Timmy: And tastes good too.

Sabine: Ah, Marinette. How's your ankle?

Marinette: A little sore, but it's getting better.

Sabine: That's good. Just take it easy for today and it'll get better by tomorrow.

Marinette: Okay. *She sits down and Tom put a plate in front of her.* Huh. The pancakes are the colors of the rainbow.

Tom: Well due to Pride Month and us catering the festival, I decided to make it a bit more festive.

Marin: They're good, dad.

Tom: Glad you like it.

Tim: You outdid yourself, brother.

Tom: Thanks, Tim.

Yeye Gregory: Oh shut up. I'm trying to eat without you overgrown men talking. Makes me lose my appetite.

Sabine: Dad, be nice.

Yeye Gregory: I'll be nice. When I hit the grave.

Sabine: Why don't you guys finish up and get ready to help in the bakery?

Timmy: Okay. *He takes another bite and drinks his orange juice.*

After breakfast and everyone all dressed up, they're in the Pride Month spirit.

Sabine: Aww look at you all. You're in the Pride Month spirit.

Marinette: Well we decided to dress up for the festival.

Marin: It was Marinette's idea.

Tom: I like it. I want a picture of you all together. *He gets his phone out and put it in camera mode.* Get close. *They get close.* Oaky. Now say Pride Month.

Kids: Pride Month! *He got the picture.*

Tom: Got it. Let's head to the bakery to get her stuff ready to go. *They go to the bakery.*

Yeye Gregory: You all go ahead, I'll sit back and relax.

Tim: Me too.

Sabine: Okay. We'll be back late. *She goes to the bakery too.*

In the houseboat, Luka does the dishes and he sees Plagg sitting on a fruit bowl.

Plagg: Wonder why your sister got a flag.

Luka: It's Pride Month, Plagg.

Plagg: Pride Month?

Luka: It's a special event that only happens in June. Since today is the Pride Month festival, she's in the spirit because she's gay.

Plagg: Your sister's gay?

Luka: Yeah.

Plagg: Mind: Blown!

Anarka: You ready to go?

Juleka: Just about. *She texts Rose and asks her if she's there. And she's there.* Yeah, I'm ready.

Anarka: Okay. Luka, are you coming?

Luka: I'll be there soon.

Anarka: Okay. *She and Juleka leave the houseboat.*

Plagg: How come you're not going with them?

Luka: Gotta make sure nothing or nobody is watching me. *He looks out the window and it's clear.* Nothing out there.

Plagg: That's a good thing. Since the festival is here, this is also your day off.

Luka: Maybe so, but you'll never know who or what might strike. You gotta be alert.

Plagg: Noted.

Luka: Let's go. *They leave the houseboat and go to the park where the festival is at.*

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