Chapter 172: Heroes vs Godfather part 2

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During the fight, Eagle swooped down, Godfather tried to blast her, but he missed and hit cars, street lamp posts, mailboxes, and recycle bins.

Godfather: Hold still, you infernal bird! *White Fang fired a moon rock at him, he sees the moon rock and blast it with his ring until a lot of pieces start flying, Black Panther run up, get his boomerang and throw it at him, it came around and hit Godfather on the side of the head, he collapsed, Black Panther caught the boomerang, but he got up and fire his ring, Black Panther backflip away from him and skidded on the ground. Viperia twirl her ribbon and got his wrist where he was wearing the ring, Godfather looked at the ribbon and he pull back Viperia pulled towards him and he flipped her left and right until the ribbon was loose and he was free.* Stupid snake.

Blue Feather: Huuuu-uuugh! *She twirl her fan and blue sonic waves came and hit Godfather, but he block the blast with his ring, he keeps firing and Blue Feather ducked and dodged, Mister Quills get his quill dart shooter and fire a quill at him and hit his arm.* Ow!

Mister Quills: Gotcha! *Godfather takes the quill out of his arm and it has a little bit of blood from the end.*

Godfather: Okay, play time's over. Time to get serious. *He pounds his fists, runs up, and keeps firing his ring at them, White Fang creates a moon shield.*
White Fang: Get behind my moon shield. He can't get to us. *They get behind the shield.*

Godfather: You think your infernal shield can stop me? Well, think again about this one! *He punches the ground until red shards start to form, they hit the shield and they all fell back and exclaimed.*

Eagle: Your dad is powerful.

Mister Quills: No kidding. *Then he got them, they struggle to move and break free.*

Blue Feather: Ugh! He got us!

Mister Quills: This is not a good day for anyone! *Godfather laughs evilly.*

Godfather: Gotcha!

Dark Wing VO: Good work, Godfather. Now let's wait for Ladybug and you will take their miraculous and they'll be no more!

Godfather: Time to take what the boss wants. *He walk towards them and reach for Eagle's miraculous first, but a yo-yo was wrapped around his wrist.*

Ladybug: You think you can pull something like that? *Godfather looked up and scowled, everyone else was relieved that she came and got some help, Ladybug pull the yo-yo back and swing Godfather and hit the wall, and she, Polymouse, and Minotaurox landed.* Free the others. *Minotaurox nodded, he get his mallet and he runs up, the others close their eyes in fear and Minotaurox break the red shard and free them.*

Black Panther: Thanks.

Minotaurox: Don't mention it. *Ladybug deflects the blast, Polymouse evades the blast, but it got her left foot and Polymouse grunts.*

Blue Feather: They need help. Come on. *They run and fight off Godfather. Godfather flipped them over, punch, kick, and try blasting them, but he ended up missing them. Minotaurox help Polymouse up, Godfather swing the staff and made a sonic wave appear and push them all back and hit a building, Godfather laugh evilly.*

Godfather: This is too easy!

Ladybug: Ugh. He doesn't know when to quit. *They all start to get up, some can barely stand up.* Only have one shot at this. Lucky charm! *She throw her yo-yo up, and a swarm of ladybugs appeared and made a roll of the film appeared.* A roll of film?

* A roll of film?

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