Chapter 187: Party time again and cancel movie date

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In the backyard, everything's turned back to normal and the Great Houdini came back and decided to give the act one more try, and this time, don't stress out and relax. So he tries all of his tricks and they're getting better. Now all that's left is the disappearing trick.

Great Houdini: Now for my final trick, I'm gonna need a volunteer. *Timmy raises his hand.* Okay, birthday boy, come on up. *Timmy goes up to the Great Houdini, and he wheeled out a box.* Okay, for my final trick, I'm gonna make this little boy disappear. *He opens the door.* Please step inside. *Timmy walks inside the box and closes the door too.* Now as I say the magic words, he will disappear. *He gets his wand out.* Abracadabra alacazoo. *He open the box and Timmy disappeared, the kids gasped.*

Chris: Where did he go?

Great Houdini: Don't worry, I'll make him reappear. *He closes the door and waves his wand too.* Abracadabra alacazoo. *He opens the door and Timmy reappears, kids start to clap for that trick.*

Marin: He's pretty good.

Chloé: Meh. Much better than last time. *Then, Zoey and Lukas walked into the party.*

Alya: Oh, hi.

Zoey: Hi. I'm Zoey.

Lukas: And I'm Lukas. Who's birthday is it?

Nino: Marinette's brother, Timmy.

Zoey: Oh. Wow.

Lukas: I'll be right back. *He goes to the snack table and gets a macaron and stuffs it in his pocket and Luzz starts eating it.* Eat up, buddy.

Luka: I better go see what she's doing

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Luka: I better go see what she's doing.

Mylene: Wait. She isn't in the mood to talk.

Luka: Why?

Mylene: Oh, uh... she's...

Alya: She's washing her hair.

Luka: Now?

Alya: Y'know her and her hair. Just give her some time for herself and you can talk to her whenever you want. *Luka sighed and looked down.*

Luka: Okay. (What are you up to, Melody? I thought we agree you would tell me anything.) *He gets his phone out and texts her.*

Meanwhile, Marinette worked on the next few pages of her scrapbook for Luka.

Tikki: Wow. So colorful.

Marinette: Thanks. I still got a lot of stuff to go through and put all together and I thought about what the last page will be.

Tikki: Ooh. What is it?

Marinette: It's a surprise.

Tikki: Okay. *Soon, her phone buzzed. She looked at her phone, it was a message from Luka.*

Marinette: It's Luka. *She opened it.*

🐍: Hey. Still on for the movies?

Marinette: I'll have to cancel on him.

Tikki: Are you sure?

Marinette: I know I wasn't planning on anything for the rest of the week, but due to Luka's birthday on Saturday, I want to make him his scrapbook, but it's gonna take a while to get this done. I'll have to go to the movies with him next time. When I'm not too busy that is. *She replies to him.*

🐞: Something came up, maybe next time. Is that okay?

🐍: Yeah. 😔

Marinette: This is tough. *She put her hands on her eyes.*

Outside, Luka put his phone up and now they get to the cake.

Tom: Okay, let's have some cake. Ready, son?

Timmy: Yeah. *Tom brought the cake out and he get a candle.* Where's Marinette?

Tom: She's doing something right now, she'll come out when you open your presents.

Timmy: Okay. *Tom lights up the candle.*

Tom: Okay. And 1,2,3.

Everyone: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Timmy. Happy birthday to you. *Timmy blow out the candle and everyone clapped for him, he served everyone a piece of cake.*

Rose: Luka looks upset.

Juleka: We better tell Marinette.

Alya: No need. She canceled the movie date with him to work on his present.

Juleka: This is bad. But he'll understand, right?

Alix: Looks like he will. Thank you. *She takes a bite of the cake.*

Bridgette: Why are you two still here? I thought you were going back to Rio.

Zoey: I asked Magnolia if we can stay here to help you guys fight alongside evil until Dark Wing is over.

Aeon: Its Syndrome. But you already figured that part out.

Lukas: Yeah. It wasn't that hard to figure that out. Where's Marinette?

Jessica: Don't tell Luka this but, she's making his birthday present.

Zoey: She is? Aww, that's nice.

Aeon: He can't know about it. Just don't say anything to him or mention it.

Jessica: Okay.

Lukas: Our lips are sealed.

After that, here comes the present time, Timmy opens up all of his presents from his friends, and he likes them. Then for Marinette, she starts sticking more pictures and writing on the scrapbook too.

Marinette: There. The Kitty Section logo is done. *She put her pen down and gets a marker and adds the next design to the book.* So far, so good. *She keeps working on the book.*


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