Chapter 73: Heroes vs dragon

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On the Island, Syndrome watched the city and see the dragon.

Scarlet Truther: Is that the...

Syndrome: The power of the amulet of Aragon

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Syndrome: The power of the amulet of Aragon. He's transformed into a dragon. It worked!

Scarlet Truther: Think it'll last?

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Scarlet Truther: Think it'll last?

Syndrome: Not sure, but we'll see what he can do.

In the city, the dragon roared and flew up in the air, Sebastien keep screaming in fear.

In the city, the dragon roared and flew up in the air, Sebastien keep screaming in fear

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Sebastien: Hey, let me go, you overgrown reptile! What did I do wrong?

Dragon (Luka): You were taunting my girlfriend. And for that, you'll be punished.

Sebastien: I know I said this before, but I'll say it again. HELP ME!!! *Ladybug, White Fang, Eagle, and Uncanny Valley get to the dragon.*

White Fang: Say, have we known you from somewhere? *The dragon roared, they looked shocked and the dragon breathed fire, they evade the fire.* Okay, it's new.

* Okay, it's new

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