Chapter 9: Ladybug and Black Panther vs Tar Monster part 1

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In the city, people start to scream in fear and the Tar Monster roared and he spew out tar and people start to get stuck.

In the city, people start to scream in fear and the Tar Monster roared and he spew out tar and people start to get stuck

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Nadja Chamack: Don't be amused, it's just the news. I'm Nadja Chamack here with some breaking news. A giant Tar Monster is taking over Paris with his hot sticky tar. The people of Paris are stuck, suffering, and unable to do anything about it. All is not lost. Will our beloved heroes Ladybug and Black Panther stop this Tar infestation? Find out soon.

 Will our beloved heroes Ladybug and Black Panther stop this Tar infestation? Find out soon

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Tom: A tar monster? Well, that won't do.

Sabine: I hope Marinette is okay. I'll call her and see if she's okay. *She gets her phone out and calls her. *

Outside, Marinette and Luka hide in the alley. Soon, Marinette's phone rang.

Marinette: It's my mom. *She answered it. * Hello?

Sabine: Marinette, are you alright?

Marinette: Yeah, I'm fine. Why?

Sabine: A tar monster is out there. I want you to stay out of sight and away from that thing, okay?

Marinette: Okay.

Sabine: Good. Be safe.

Marinette: I will. Bye. *She hangs up and put her phone in her purse. She gets Tikki out and Luka gets Plagg out. * Better stop this menace. Tikki, spots on! *She transforms into Ladybug. *

Luka: Plagg, claws out! *He transforms into Black Panther

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Luka: Plagg, claws out! *He transforms into Black Panther. They leap into action and from building to building. *

 Soon, they landed on top of city hall

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Soon, they landed on top of city hall.

Ladybug: There it is. Not sure how we're gonna deal with this one.

Black Panther: As long as we don't get too close or touch the tar, we'll get out of this one tar-free.

Ladybug: I hope so. Let's go. *They jump down, and they evade the tar on the street. *

Tar Monster: Ladybug, Black Panther. WHERE ARE YOU?

Ladybug: Turn around, you pile of ooze. *Tar Monster turned around and start to scowl and roar too, he starts to spew out tar and they evade the tar and hit the dry part of the road. *

Syndrome: Get them and hand me their miraculouses! *Tar Monster roared, and he spew more tar out, they evade and dodge the tar, Ladybug throw her yo-yo and it hit the Tar Monster's eye, it roared in pain. *

Ladybug: Bullseye

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Ladybug: Bullseye.

Syndrome: You're gonna get it. Tar Monster, attack! *The Tar Monster roared, and he gets tar on the street, it caught them both. They struggle to get out. *

Ladybug: Too tough to get out.

Syndrome: Hahahaha! Try to get out of this one! *He flies away, and the Tar Monster go create more chaos in the city. *

Black Panther: I can get us out of this. *His ring glows blue. * Cataclysm! *His hand starts to glow black; he touched the tar they're standing in and the ground starts to griddle and crack and they're free. *

Ladybug: Impressive

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Ladybug: Impressive.

Black Panther: Thanks. Black cat power! *His ring glowed blue and again and whiskers grow on his face, a real tail appeared behind him, and cat claws appeared on his gloves. He gets out first and he helps Ladybug out too. *

Ladybug: There has to be a way to slow him down. Hopefully, this will help. *She gets her yo-yo out and twirls it too. * Lucky charm! *She throws her yo-yo up in the air and made a swarm of ladybugs appear and made a key chain appear. * Seriously? What am I supposed to do with this?

Black Panther: Something tells me you got this under control

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Black Panther: Something tells me you got this under control.

Ladybug: Agreed. *She opens her yo-yo and shows the map. * He's heading to the Louvre.

Black Panther: Guess I better get a head start. *Soon, his ring starts to beep. * Right after a detour. *He leaps away and Ladybug swings away to her room. *

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