Chapter 180: Waiting for Felix and Amelie and training day

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The next day, it's Sunday and Timmy's birthday party. The sun started to rise and Marinette yawned she looked at the time on her phone, it was 7:00 am, she looked at her calendar and she sees the date circled for her training with Master Fu and the party.

Marinette: Good morning, Tikki.

Tikki: Good morning, Marinette. Today so another busy day.

Marinette: I know. Just gotta do some training and help out with the party. Shouldn't he be too hard? *She gets out of bed and heads downstairs to the kitchen, she sees uncle Tim and Yeye Gregory packing their stuff.*

Tom: Good morning, Marinette.

Marinette: Morning, dad. Morning, uncle Tim, grandpa.

Tim: Good morning, Marinette.

Bridgette: You guys are leaving?

Tim: Yep.

Yéyé Gregory: We would stay longer but I got stuff to do back home.

Tim: And I gotta get back to work at the gelato stand. But I'll come by and visit whenever I can.

Sabine: We'll look forward to it.

Tom: Why don't I take your two to the airport?

Tim: Thanks, Tom. *He holds his bag and Yeye Gregory gets his bag.*

Tom: I got that, Gregory. Don't wanna break your back. *He takes his luggage.*

Yéyé Gregory: Thank you, Tom.

Tom: I'll be right back. *They leave the house and head outside.* I already called a cab for you guys.

Tim: Thanks, little bro. *A cab stopped, the driver opened the trunk and Tom start putting the bags and luggage in the trunk and he close it too, then Tim open the door and let Yéyé Gregory get in and sit on the right side and he get in and sit on the left side, he closed the door.*

Tom: Here's money for cab fare. Just pay me back when you get back.

Tim: Okay. *He take the money and Tom stepped away from the cab.*
Cab driver: Where to, gentlemen?

Tim: Airport, please?

Cab driver: Okay. *He drive off to the airport and Tom walked back inside.*

Bridgette: They're gone?

Tom: Yep.

Bridgette: Okay.

Tom: Now, you all finish up with breakfast and help us decorate the backyard for the party. What time does the party start?

Marinette: 11.

Tom: Okay. I'll get the party decorations. *He goes into the supply closet and gets the party box and other stuff while everyone else finishes eating their breakfast. After breakfast, Marinette get ready for her training with Master Fu, she put on her crop tip bra, a small jacket, and a pair of black sweats, gets her sneakers and ties them up, and puts her hair in a ponytail.*

Marinette: Okay. Let me just help out with decorating and be on my way. *She walks downstairs to the backyard.*

In Adrien's house, Adrien, his mom, and his dad are eating breakfast together.

Gabriel: Today's the big day. Your cousin and aunt are coming over.

Adrien: Yeah. Great. *He looked down at the moment.*

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