Chapter 74: Another day saved

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After a day of fighting with the dragon (Luka), the heroes de-transform and take it easy at home. In Marinette's house, Marinette read her book and Timmy play with his puzzle.

Sabine: Should I make a pie or a cake for the family's arrival?

Tom: Neither.

Sabine: Tom, don't be negative.

Tom: I'm not being negative. I still don't understand why we have to be nice to my brother. I don't understand that.

Sabine: This is just one visit, no need to be negative.

Tom: Hmph. I'll try not to be negative. But one slip up from him and he is out. *He goes upstairs to his room.*

Marinette: He's not gonna let it go?

Sabine: Nope.

Timmy: How come dad doesn't like Uncle Tim? *Sabine brings out a pitcher of lemonade and some chocolate chip cookies for Marinette and Timmy, Marinette takes a cup of lemonade and Timmy to takes 2 cookies and eats one.*


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Sabine: Your father and Tim have been a bit competitive when they were kids, they always say to each other "I'm better than you

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Sabine: Your father and Tim have been a bit competitive when they were kids, they always say to each other "I'm better than you.", "No, you're not. I'm better than you." They do their businesses and still brag about it.

Marinette: You think they can talk it out and sort their differences out? *Marinette takes a cookie and takes a bite.*

Sabine: It's gonna be hard to do that. But once Uncle Tim, my dad, your cousin Bridgett, and Marin come over tomorrow, I'm sure things will run smoothly.

Marinette: Okay.

Timmy: What about the circus tomorrow?

Sabine: Oh, Timmy. I'm sorry. We can go Sunday. Right now let's just enjoy this family day tomorrow, okay?

Timmy: Okay. *He takes a sip of lemonade and finishes up his cookies.*

In Adrien's room, Adrien plays the piano and Fangg moves to the piano melody.

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