Chapter 124: Telling Marin about the black box

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In Master Fu's house, Master Fu drink some tea and looked out the window too.

Wayzz: Evil is no more, Master.

Master Fu: Yes. For now, Wayzz. They'll always come back. You just don't know when they might come back.

Wayzz: Very true. Hopefully, the miracle box will return.

Luka: I wouldn't worry about that. *He walked in.*

Master Fu: Luka? What brings you here?

Luka: I got a little welcome-back present.

Wayzz: Present? *Luka revealed the miracle box, and Master Fu and Wayzz gasped.*

Master Fu: The Miracle Box! *

Luka: The Butterfly miraculous is still with Syndrome.

Master Fu: It's alright. You all will get it back.

Luka: Let's hope so. *Master Fu takes it from him.*

Master Fu: How did you manage to get it back?

Luka: We were fighting off Syndrome and his guards. I managed to get it.

Master Fu: I can't thank you and the others for this.

Luka: My pleasure, Master. *Master Fu goes to the phonograph and put the miracle box back inside.*

Master Fu: You're all safe now. Now they won't be out of sight again.

Luka: See you soon, Master.

Master Fu: Goodbye, Luka. *Luka walks out of his house and heads home too.*

In Marinette's house, Marinette looks at Marin and decided to tell him about the Black Box.

Marinette: Marin... can I talk to you upstairs?

Marin: Sure. *They get up and go upstairs, Sabine walks to the living room, holding some eclairs.*

Sabine: Here you go. Some eclairs.

 Some eclairs

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Lukas: Yummy. I love eclairs. *He takes one and Zoey takes one too and they both eat it too.* Mmm. This is good.

Zoey: Do you have a bakery in your house?

Tom: We have a bakery next door.

Zoey: Wow. Really?

Tom: Yes. You should see all the stuff we made.

Lukas: You made sweets?

Tom: Yes. I'll show you, come on. *They follow Tom to the bakery, Lukas takes one more eclair and eats it on the way to the bakery.*

In Marin's room, Marinette sits on the bed and Marin sits in the rolling chair.

Marin: What's up?

Marinette: I spoke to Master Fu earlier. He told me a way to up our power and strength.

Marin: There is? What is it?

Marinette: He called it the Black Box.

Marin: Black Box? What's that?

Marinette: He'll explain it when we meet him. I'm guessing today.

Marin: Okay. But who will master it?

Marinette: You.

Marin: Me? Why me?

Marinette: You're more of a miraculous holder than any of us and you have a power that none of us have to master it.

Marin: Really? When do I start?

Marinette: That's up to Master to tell you that.

Marin: Okay. Thanks for telling me this. I won't let you all down.

Marinette: I know you won't. *She leave his room and Marin looked up and Spiike flew out and hover in front of him.*

Spiike: You sure you can do this?

Marin: Honestly, I'm not sure. I want to help save the world, but it'll be impossible to do it since it requires all of my strength. I don't want to let my friends, my cousin, or my sister down.

Spiike: And you won't. You can do this.

Marin: (Let's hope this will work out fine.)

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