Chapter 80: Uncle Tim's arrival

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At home, Marinette's in her room on bed rest, while the others are downstairs.

Tom: I'm gonna check on Marinette and see how she's doing.

Sabine: Okay. *Soon the doorbell rang.* I'll get it. *She goes to the door and opens it, it's Uncle Tim.*

Tim: Hello!

Timmy: Uncle Tim!

Tim: Hey, Timmy. *He picks him up and hugs him.* How are you?

Timmy: Good.

Tom: You're getting bigger every time I see you.

Marin: Uncle Tim.

Tim: Hey, Marin. How's school treating you?

Marin: Good. I pass my first fall and spring semester.

Tim: Alright, good job. You're now a sophomore in college?

Marin: Yes.

Tim: Nice. *He gave Marin a high five.* Hi, pops.

Yéyé Gregory: Shut up. And stop calling me pops.

Tim: Just trying to be nice. *Yeye Gregory did a raspberry and ignore him.*

Bridgette: Hi, uncle Tim.

Tim: Not your uncle, but hi, Bridgett. *He hugs Bridgette.* How's Shanghai?

Bridgette: It's okay. I'm staying in Paris for the summer until I go back to school.

Tim: Oh. That must be fun.

Bridgette: It is.

Sabine: Hello, Tim.

Tim: Sabine. As beautiful as always. *He kisses her hand, Tom scowls and looks away too.* Marinette! As beautiful as your mother. How are you?

Marinette: I'm okay.

Tim: What happened to you?

Marinette: I twisted...

Tom: She twisted her ankle.

Tim: Tommy. How's my little brother?

Tom: Fine. (Wish you were gone right now.)

Tim: You know how clumsy Mari can be. And I bet she still is.

Marinette: I'm aware of that. And not anymore.

Tom: Who are these kids?

Marinette: That's Adrien, Jessica, and Aeon. They're my friends. And Luka, my boyfriend.

Tim: Hey, everyone. Marinette told me about you guys.

Adrien: Hi, Tim.

Jessica: Hi.

Aeon: Nice to meet you.

Luka: Hello. *Tom put Marinette down on the couch and help elevate her ankle with a pillow.*

Tim: Boyfriend, huh?

Luka: Yes.

Tim: I like you, kid. You treat my niece right.

Luka: I always do.

Sabine: Okay. Bridgette, I forgot to show you the guest room.

Bridgette: Okay. *Sabine takes Bridgett upstairs to her room.*

Timmy: Uncle Tim, can you teach me a yo-yo trick?

The one who lost hope (sequel): Evil strikes again part 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα