"Here. Come on" he spoke and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me to a cop car. "Sit in front." He told me and opened the door. I sniffed and I knew I looked horrible.

Snot came from my nose and more tears from my eyes. I was shaking and so many emotions ran through my head. I just didnt know what to think.

"Ms. Turner. If I can have your phone I'll call someone to take you home" he told me and I cried as I reached in my pocket and handed it to him.

"I'll be right over there. A few steps away. Call if you need anything" he told me and pointed. "Deep breathes" he nodded and he held my phone up to his ear and walked a couple feet away. My chest hurt and my eyes were puffy.

I was cold and hot at the same time. Everything was a mess. I looked at the ground and I cried. Tears ran off of my nose and in to my hands. "Ms. Turner" I heard Anderson say softly. I looked up at him and his face softened.

"I've called a friend of yours. He'll be right over to pick you up. I'm gonna have to ask you to stay right here until he does" he told me and I nodded again. I wiped my nose and tried to stop the tears from falling as he gave me my phone back. A couple minutes later I heard yelling.

I looked up and I saw Ezra yelling at a cop and pointing to me. I cried even more as he pushed passed the cop and ran over to me. "Rose." He said breathlessly. "Oh my god" he spoke softly and my lip quivered and he pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me.

I cried in to his neck as he tried to hush me. "God Rose" he held my tight and I wrapped my arms around him. We stood there for what seemed like forever, and it was nice. "I'm so sorry Rose" he told me sadly and I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"Jesus christ" he whispered and hugged me even tighter. He rubbed my back and just held me. "Let's get you home" he told me and I loosened my grip to stand back but he kept his arm around my waist. We walked slowly to my car and he opened the passenger side and let me sit down.

I curled up in a ball and I sniffed. I didnt have any more tears to cry. He ran around and got in the car. We drove off and within 20 seconds I started to sob again. He pulled over on the side if the road and parked.

I sobbed and I hiccuped and as I tried to stop crying more tears came and fell down my face. Ezra was quiet, but I knew he wasnt looking at me. He grabbed my hand and held it in his own. I cried and breathed heavy.

"What am I gonna do" I cried and I looked at him and he was faced forward. "I dont know" he sighed and I sniffed and blinked a couple times.

"Shes gone Ezra" I spoke and he nodded. "I know" he spoke softly. We kept driving and he held my hand all the way back to the house. We got home and I got out of the car and walked to the house.

I stood at the door and Ezra walked up behind me. I didnt want to go inside. "Rose" he said quietly and I glanced back at him and cleared my throat. "I know." I nodded and I twisted the door handle and I walked inside.

I saw the boys sitting in the couch and all of them turned and looked at me. "Hey" they all said in unison and I stood there and I could feel my chest start to get tight again. I looked down and more tears rolled down my face and I ran up the stairs.

I ran into my room and I laid on my bed and sobbed. It hurt so much. I ran to my bathroom and I searched in my drawers to find anything sharp but there was nothing. I looked in the mirror and I balled my hands in to fists.

I couldnt stop crying and I punched my mirror as hard as I could. It shattered in to a bunch of pieces on my counter and all over the floor. I cried as I picked up a piece of glass.

This was all my fault.

I looked at the glass through my blurry vision.

I should have never left the house or called my mom.

I cried as I gripped the glass tight in my hand and I put it to my wrist. I was shaking and I needed to sit down.

She was gone because of me.

I shook my head and tears fell on to my legs and on my arm. I pushed the sharp piece of glass in to my skin and dragged down.

My fault. All my fault.

It slid down and I shut my eyes. "Rose stop!" I heard a yell as my door was swung open. Cameron stood there and he looked mortified. He ran over and grabbed the glass from my hand.

"Let me do it!" I yelled at him and my voice broke. "No Rose. No" he shook his head and looked around my bathroom. "Cameron it's my fault. It was me. She gone because of me" I cried and he shook his head and he put the glass on the counter.

"Its not you Rose." He told me and I felt my warm blood running down my arm. "Jesus Rose. You cant do this to your self. You cant think like that" he told me and helped me up.

"Please just leave. I have to do this. I-I need. I need to do this. Please" I begged as he grabbed my other hand. "I cant let you. I wont lose you Rose. I'm here for you. Were always gonna be here for you Rose" he shook his head and I cried and closed my eyes.

"I'm scared" I told him quietly. He didnt say anything and it was dead quiet. "That's ok" he told me. "We need to get that cleaned up" he spoke and I looked up at him. I laughed a little bit and we walked out of my room and down to his.

"Sit down" he told me and I sat on his toilet as he searched for stuff. I just sat there and cried as I held my bleeding arm. "Ok. Its gonna be fine" he told me and wiped the blood off. He cleaned it up and I was still crying uncontrollably. He wrapped it with somthing and had me stand up.

"I- I cant do this" I shook my head and looked up at him. "Yes. Yes you can Rose." He nodded and led me from his bathroom. "What if this was somthing to do with Tyler? Luke said he-" "Its not. This was just a horrible accident. And it sucks yes, but you are safe. No one is gonna get to you" Cameron told me and I sat on his bed.

"Cameron I. If Tyler was-" "Tyler is dead" Cameron cut me off and shook his head. "There is no way that this could be him" he shook his head. "And if it is?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"I killed her" I told him. "No. No you did not. Rose you didnt know. How could you?" He asked and he raised his voice.

"You couldnt have possibly known that this would happen" he shook his head. "But it did" I said and he was quiet. "Its not your fault" he spoke.

"You safe nothing is going to happen. No one is going to get you" he told me again. It was quiet again and I looked into his eyes. "What if someone gets to you?" I whispered and he was still for a moment.

"O-or Mason or Eric. Any of you? How will-" "No one will. Lay down" he spoke and pulled back the covers. I laid down and he covered me up.

"Your gonna fine" he spoke and I blinked and sighed. I didnt say anything and he smiled lightly and walked to his door.

"Just call if you need anything" he told me and I nodded. "Thank you" I told him and he nodded. He walked to the door shut the light off then left. I laid in his bed and with out making any noise I let tears fall down the corners of my eyes. I got so tired and I passed out.

Gay Baby Gang ShitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora