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"Rose where are you? Are you ok?" He asked me and I smiled and sniffed. "Im on the Vence parkway" I told him. "Ok. Ill be there in minute." He told me. "Ill be. Right here" I told him and wiped my mouth and eyes. I hung up and sat in my car and I sat there for a second and I started to cry again.

I rested my head on the steering wheel and I hit my head against it. "Why. Why. Why" I asked my self. I sat and cried for a few more minutes and my door opened and I jumped. "Rose" Cameron spoke as he stood there. I looked up at him and he stopped as he looked at me.

"Come on" He spoke and I twisted my body and he helped me up and I leaned against me car. "You didn't have to. Drive all the way out here" I told him and I felt my face frown again and more tears ran down my cheeks. "Rose" He chuckled a little bit and I looked up at him.

He put out his bottom lip and looked at me. "I'm not ok" I shook my head and he hugged me and I wrapped my arms around his waist. "That's ok" He told me and his chin was on top of my head as he rubbed my back.

 "I'm so scared Cameron" I cried into his chest and he held me closer. "Its gonna be ok" he told me and I sniffed and cried. "Come on" he spoke and we walked to the other side of my car. "Wait wait. how did you get here?" I asked and looked around. "Ran" he nodded and I opened my mouth. "Cameron" I covered my mouth.

"No no. I was just kidding. Toby drove me" he put his hands up and I laughed and tears fell from my eyes. "Let's get home" he told me and opened my door for me. I sat down and put my hands in my lap and looked out the window. He closed the door and got in on the other side. It was quiet for a moment and he was burning eye holes in to the back of my head.

"Rose" he said and I shook my head. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head again. "Your gonna have to eventually. What ever it is, its eating you alive. It's not healthy" he told me and I shrugged. He sighed and started the car and we drove to the house.

"Luke was really worried about you" he told me and I nodded. "Are you gonna go see him? You havent since-" and he stopped. "The boys and I are always here" he pushed my shoulder. I said nothing and he sighed again. "Rose" he spoke and I looked at him. "What is with all the questions? I told you I didnt want to talk about it. Please leave it alone" I scolded him and he looked at the road.

He was quiet and I sighed. "Cam" I said and looked at him. "I'm sorry" I told him and he nodded. "Its ok" He nodded. "I'm here for you Rose" He told me and I nodded. "Were all here for you." He added and I nodded again. "I just cant right now" I shook my head and he glanced at me. "Ok. And i'm not gonna push you. But i know something is wrong and I know your upset" He nodded and I sighed.

"How is Eric's mom?" I asked and his eyes lit up. "Only stage two, and its not spreading" He nodded and I smiled. "Good. Good" I nodded and he looked at me. "All of the boys are coming back but Eric. He wants to be there when she comes out of surgery" He told me and I nodded. "Im glad shes ok" I looked at him and he smiled.

I got a call on my phone and I answered it and put it to my ear. "Hello?" I asked. "Its detective Holmes. I need to discuss the terms of Tylers case" He told me and I looked at Cameron. "Ill be there as soon as I can. I'm just about to get home" I spoke. "Alright thank you" He told me and the line went dead. "Who was that?" Cam asked me and I put my phone back in to my pocket.

"The umm. The station. I've gotta go over there" I said quietly and he nodded and turned down a road. "No no no. Ill go by my self. Its fine" I said quickly and he shook his head. "You are in no condition to drive or to be anywhere alone" He spoke and I looked at him. We got to the station and we walked in and Mr. Holmes was standing there in the lobby waiting.

"Ms. Tur- I mean. Rose" He coughed and I smiled. "Hello again" I told him and I walked over to him. "Detective Rick Holmes" He shook Cameron's hand and smiled. "Just a few ins and outs that we have to talk about" he nodded and we started to walk back to his office. We got in and we all sat down and he shuffled through a few papers and held up a clip board.

"So" He cleared his throat and looked at me. "He pled guilty, and that's what the jury was gonna do anyway. The judge sentenced him to die by lethal injection" He told me and Cams head turned and looked at ma as I nodded. "We just have to fill out some paper work and if you wanna give a statement you can" He told me and wrote some stuff down on pieces of paper.

"The rape charge and-" "No" I strained out as he said the word. He looked up at me and I turned my head to Cameron. His lips were parted a little bit and he put his hands on the arms of the chairs. He looked like he was ready to jump up and yell. "Cameron I was gonna tell you" I told him and my words got caught in my throat.

He stood up slowly and looked at the cop and I. "Ill just- Ill be right outside" He pointed and my mouth opened but no words came out. All I did was nod and he walked out. I heard the door close and I put my head in my hands and groaned.

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