Chapter 364

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Davina was alone with Havoc and Enar as she sorted through the herbs and food; she was thankful for her time studying herbalism, canning, and other odds and ends for survival. She didn't actually think she'd be applying the knowledge. There was some jazz playing; Davina had figured out how to sustain just enough energy and spell to get the turntable going and she could enjoy some modern luxuries; not many though.

Still, she was humming along as she sorted through the herbs, she was rubbing free hand over her bump as she tapped her foot and hum. She had her hair up, it was the pressing of Thierry's horn, which was wonderful, but it made her ache in her soul for hime. She wanted Marcel, she wanted t call up Josh, she wanted to talk to Rebekah, Hayley, or Monique about her pregnancy, like this strange fluttering sensation in her, or the way it felt like gas or pressure, she wanted to talk to someone not Kol about this. Kol was great and attentive to her, and the bump, but he was a he and there were things men would not understand.

It was at moments like this she hated what she and Kol had done. The Armillary Sphere was a one-way ticket to this world, despite it's cloned existence, the spell and magic which had bound their worlds was severed. This ancient magic, the magic trapped within Malivore, it had a life of it's own, and it amazed Davina the way this world grew and changed in a short amount of time for the creatures who had escaped Malivore. Attempting to bridge between this world and their world, it would end badly, more than likely this magic would run wild and escape and wreak havoc upon a world it no longer touched.

Or rather, she didn't have enough power, nor did Kol, to open it safely and that left them stranded here, they couldn't really do anything to connect with their world. Though Davina was looking through spells to find a looking glass, or mirror, but it would be one way, and that was painful, but it'd be better than nothing. Davina was still tempted, and so was Kol, but they couldn't do anything until they figured out how to get to New Orleans, because it's remains would have connections to the Mikaelsons. Kol though was not taking her travelling until after the baby was born, and she got it, they needed a secure home and location. But she had pushed Kol to go collect things from Klaus' house in Fresvik though, which was where he had gone today.

Davina wanted to test out a few spells on mirrors, but she wasn't going to press the magic thing, her magic reserves were still cultivating. Then there was the minor issue of her lack of control, baby and excessive connections had Davina's magic a bit rampant. Particularly when she got a craving and BAM! there it was in front of her; which was not something she wanted because it came in massive quantities which were wasteful.

Havoc let out low growl which had Davina's head snapping up as she looked at the dog, then at Ena who was also fluffing up. Davina looked at Havoc as she carefully set down the herbs as she picked up the knife; Kol had made the knives from Tribrid blood, iron and silver, and she tensed as she heard something rattle the door. The bear cub even perked up, which had Havoc slowly raising to his feet, his lip curling back as his fur bristled. Davina pulled off her bracelet, and started to move, the runes keeping the door shut broke.

It was hideous, like something out of The Walking Dead, Davina didn't scream, Havoc was already attacking. There was a shattering of her windows as Davina ran by to get that thing out of her house. Staggering back as a harp, harsh pain tore at her scalp, she cried out, and there was a snarl. The filmy blue eyes of this thing stared opening it's mouth.

The foul stench had Davina gagging, and it's rotten flesh was slimy as it slid off where she grabbed it to try to escape. The thing screamed though when Enar went for it's face, dropping her hair. Davina grabbed her cat, as she pulled on her runes, slamming the knife through the arm to pin the thing.

"Boule!" she screamed when it's gnashing teeth came at her, she shoved her hand against it's face to push it back.

The fire seared through the thing with explosive force, tearing into the clearing, illuminating everything as the white flame acted like a phosphorus flare, tearing through everything. Davina saw many more of those things, and her eyes widened slightly. The one Havoc was wrestling threw Havoc aside, Davian gabbed up a lighter as she pointed it at the thing.

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