Chapter 359

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Davina felt her blue sweater falling over her shoulder as she and Kol ran through the dark. She didn't slow or waver, the dogs were beside them, and she felt Enar hot on her heels. Her hand clutched the elm wand, she had a knife in her legging's pocket. She skidded into the clearing, Kol caught her as they twisted out of a blast of power. The lightning arched through the air, searing her skin, the boom which followed the light blew out Davina's ears as she gasped, feeling like the wind was knocked out of her lungs and her ears rang. There was a painful high pitched whistle in her ears, as everything in her rattled, she pushed at the weight atop her, trying to pull herself out of the way. Kol was fast to get off her, he grabbed her elbow, and then there was another flash, Davina felt the way power vibrated through her body, she looked at Kol, he wasn't talking to her, but he seemed to assess her. She nodded, which had him letting go f her as he ran through the lighting. She felt the flow of magic and power.

Davina pulled the elm wand, feeling the way the magic pulsed through it, it lengthened to be taller than her as she slammed it into the ground, all of the lightning came arching towards her, which had her feeling the flow of fire and light hitting her as she pulled the magic towards her. She screamed as it arched through her body, she was panting for breath as she looked at the scene unfurling before her. She saw a golden man fighting against Klaus, Finn, and Elijah, the three Originals were fast, they were brutal, but the golden man was holding his own. Kol's magic built above them, she felt the force of his storm.

"Davina?" a muffled voice reached her ears; it was like she was underwater as she rubbed her ears and looked at Kaleb, she saw him beside her.

"We found our deity," she breathed.

He nodded.

"Go, we'll get the deity, you need to start the spell," she stated. She grabbed her wand as she jogged down the hill, Havoc and Aska were flanking her, and Davina felt the cackling of the power in her wand, she couldn't contain it much longer. Hitting flat ground, she ran forward, the golden man locked gaze with her, he was about to move. She slammed the butt of the wand into the stones, releasing the power with an explosion which tore through the earth, up into the air as Kol's storm brought the full weight of a hurricane crashing down upon them.

The golden man was now floating as he looked at her, she finally felt the ringing receding from her ears as she looked up at him.

"You dare to stand against a god?" the man finally sneered.

"Yup," Kol answered before she could answer as his powerful spell, slammed upon the deity. "Kind of need your celestial magic, so, yes, yes, we do stand against you and the end of bloody time! Why is it even a bloody question! It's worse than Niklaus!"

"HEY!" Klaus barked, and Davina saw Klaus holding Hope then.

"Am I Wrong!?" Kol snapped.

"Not The Time!" Elijah quipped as the deity pushed himself out of the rubble of Kol's spell.

"I call upon the Ancestors to bind this location," Davina started, as she slit her hand, walking the boundary of the spell around the god. Elijah, Klaus, and Finn were all struggling with the god, Kol was working rapidly on his own spell of entrapment. Davina felt the moment her blood finished the circle a barrier erected The deity snarled, his speed and strength hit the barrier, pushing her back, but Davina felt the Mikaelson Ancestors push against her back. The infusion of power knocked the wind from her lungs as she saw the barrier physically there; the way the barrier looked was like the northern lights. Runes danced upwards and over it as the celestial pull of Vulpecula started tracing through the air.

Elijah, Finn and Klaus dove out of the spell then. The winds kicked up as the deity shot upwards, then plummeted down as hard as he could, but the shockwave hit through the spell, knocking upright. Davina felt the Mikaelson Ancestors holding the barrier, she could see Dahlia there, the winds started kicking up then.

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