Chapter 264

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Kol closed his eyes as he lay out, he could feel his death being pulled from him, but he could feel Davina's magic.

"Relax," Vincent murmured. "Like when she was in the Prison World, just focus on Davina, let the stars guide you," he instructed.

Kol heard the distant incantation of Vincent's spell, but he could feel the death leaching from his blood, could feel other magic pulling on his blood. Kol focused on the fire instead, moving past everything, through the pain, the stars, the voices whispering, his ancestors until he saw Davina. Her blue eyes were burning hot and bright as she turned to see him. Kol could feel her magic burning hot and bright, he could feel the pull of other more ancient magics pulling at his blood.

"Davina Claire," he smiled down on his witch as they looked at one another.

"Kol," she tilted her head a bit, he could feel her magic pulsing through their bond, in the air around her. The two figures just past her shoulder seemed bewildered seeing him, which had him raising a brow at her strays.

"Give them hell, love, I'm coming," he informed her.

He could feel where she was, she was close, he would get to her. Feeling the connection break he felt his own magic draining, wavering, breaking. The pull on his blood, it was painful, crippling really, he hissed as it felt like he was being scorched from the inside out, feeling the stars and magic in him reacting volatilely as he tried to find his soul. Claws and fangs seemed to burn into his soul past his blood, having him staggering under the weights tearing him apart.

"You will never make it to her," the darkness rasped. "You are dying."

Kol didn't respond recognizing this voice as the Nogitsune.

"Your pain, your chaos, it is most delicious, exquisite," the voice purred.

"And mine," Kol rasped.

"You feel it, no doubt, the call to death, which is being summoned, pulled from your body, you can feel the witch," the void rasped. "I can stop it all, binding me to this... this hole, to your stars, I feel the push and pull between you two..."

"Did I not just put you here?" Kol snarled as he turned to the void and found himself looking at the glowing eyes of the abyss. They didn't respond as Kol stared at the void, he could feel death pulling on his blood.

"I do not die," the void stated. "I could give you a thousand years."

"I lived a thousand years to die," Kol countered. Kol knew what he would do as an Original for his mortality, he knew how he cherished it for his life with Davina and his family was probably best when he was mortal, and he did not want to lose his magic ever again. "Do you fear death?"

"Death is nothing to me," the void rasped.

"Then you've never lived," Kol murmured to the void. "The Valkyrie are free to summon me, but until I am summoned, I am living, if I live, I fight."

"And if I could give you life," the void rasped.

Kol turned back to the kitsune, he could see the tails swishing as the beast stared at him. Kol felt like he was staring back at his own vampirism. But this was different, he knew that, he knew this was different because it wasn't like the actual vampirism he'd face. A yōkai was a spirit, demon, or something more otherworldly than what vampirism was.

"No," he answered icily. Kol was not giving up his magic ever again. Ever. Now he had to go save Davina Claire, then he was going to get one of those tracking chips and insert it under her skin. Then he'd accept the death he felt pulling on his blood, the Valkyrie were annoying him; if Davina said it was okay. Kol felt the claws sinking into his shoulder, the fangs tearing through his soul, but his magic was his, and he felt the pull of his blood. The magic of multiple ancients were ripping him apart, he could feel it, but he was more focused on Davina's magic holding him together.

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