Chapter 215

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April passed in a flurry of light, mist, and magic. Also figuring out magic, she had spent so much time working with Kol; teaching him Ancestral Magic as best as she could. They had sort of spent a great deal of time figuring out how to be them, and their individual selves. They hadn't had to do that; in the near year they had been together. The circumstances which had thrown them together had glued them together as a unite but figuring out who they were as individuals was fascinating.

Davina always knew she was a quieter person than Kol, it was kind of obvious because Kol was like an ADHD child on crack. Kol liked being loud, active, everywhere, into everything, Davina didn't need to be loud, or active, or everywhere and into everything. It was nice though, it was nice to see them be themselves without the stresses of having to save his family on their shoulders, or saving Magic, or fighting the idiots who would bring about the end.

There were parts of Davina which had panicked without her knowing that maybe they wouldn't work without the weight of something on their shoulders, some impossible task pressing down on their lives. She had worried a lot about that. Without outside obstacles to overcome they might not fit so well, they might not work, or they only worked because of Big Her, and the remnants of that impression. So she was pleasantly surprised when those worries were put to rest, she and Kol were just different enough to keep things interesting without outside problems, and similar enough to get on without hindrance or fear.

She was genuinely surprised they didn't fall apart because they didn't have a task to focus on. Hanging out with Kol was fun; and not just for the passionate making out or figuring out how to be together. He was genuinely fun, he was so wild and carefree, dragging her along all over his property and teaching her to connect with animals, elements and such; he'd taken her star gazing again because he genuinely loved that activity. She found his nerdy side to be a lot of fun, because she'd never had anyone, she could nerd out with. Yes, she had Josh who was as geeky as she, but nerd, a genuine nerd, she'd never had that. Kol was also great because he curious about everything, and apparently with their impending doom there were things he didn't know or hadn't learnt about yet because he'd been busy learning other things. Which was valid, but she had a lot of fun catching him up on this era.

They had movie marathons, where Kol tore apart the Harry Potter films. Davina dubbed him a Ravenclaw, though he insisted he was a Slytherin; she threatened to name him a Gryffindor, which he found appalling. They both laughed at Twilight, Kol took great pleasure in mocking Edward as a weakling, and then tearing apart Meyer's literature. Davina had finally cheered having someone agree with her that Twilight Sucked! Minus the music because the music was pretty dope. They'd had Avatar: The Last Airbender marathons, Kol was besotted with Iroh, and Davina cheered Katara's badassery. They both agreed Zutara should've been endgame and not Kataang (not that Bonnie would ever agree with them). Davina got Kol sucked into the sort of dorky/fantasy/adventure movies: The Mummy, Indiana Jones, Romancing the Stone, The Da Vinci Code, and National Treasure; he just liked the thrill and stakes of those stories so much. Kol was also an immediate sucker for James Bond, he rather liked those movies.

Davina also learned Kol loved dancing, he was thrilled to sweep her off into a dance; even if there was no music, he just liked dancing. She had thought that a romantic quirk of his, but now she got to see he just enjoyed it. Which was great for her, because he wouldn't have her swooning, but she loved he was so happily bold and vivacious, because she didn't know if she'd have the courage to be so lively on her own. She was more reserved than Kol, and she loved how he was unrestrained and gleeful about life as a whole.

The best part though, the part Davina hadn't actually known was possible, because she had never been in a relationship and all the girls her age just... they wanted to do everything with their boyfriends/girlfriends, but she loved that she and Kol didn't have to do that. If Davina wanted to spend a day reading, she could, she didn't have to do everything with Kol. Kol got sucked into the world of video games, and he could happily throw himself into those for hours while she read, it was rather nice. It was nice they didn't have to do the same things, or like the same things, they could just be around each other or alone; and it was a relief to Davina.

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