Chapter 291

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Kol groaned as he woke up, seeing Davina awake, she was already getting dressed. Her hair was up, and her underwear was on, Davina's body was on full display which had him taking a moment to examine her. There was the exit wound on the back of her shoulder, Silas' teeth were still outlined on Davina's wrist though they were far paler and more silvery, she turned and he smiled a bit at her. Dahlia's runes were also marring her hip, the scar from the entry wound on her shoulder was a darker scar. Davina smiled, he chuckled as he reached over, his knuckles trailing over her side and to her hip.

"Morning, love," Kol smiled as he tried to examine her for changes which would indicate pregnancy as Keelin had dumped on him. But he still saw nothing about Davina which was overtly different.

"Kol, how are you feeling?" she asked.

"A lot of connections," he sighed as he pulled himself up to the headboard. She nodded as she looked at the clothes she had laid out.

"Am I going for sexy arm candy today or Regent's secret wife?" she asked playfully as she held up options.

"Oh, you are definitely wearing the sexy number on our own, but Regent secret wife," he mused as he traced her hip again, his fingers brushed against her runes. Kol looked up at her casted arm. "Not wearing the sling today, love?"

"The shoulder and upper arm are just bruised, I saw the x-rays, and I already took the witchy herbs today, the pain is dulled, and I tried the bone knitting potion; it's started at least, so it should be able to help me tonight," Davina said.

"All the witchy herbs? Runes and all?" Kol asked carefully.


"All the herbs..." he started.

"I take them every day, Kol," she assured. "It tastes horribly, but I take them, exactly as you taught me."

"Same portions?" he asked.

"Yes... Kol what's the problem?" Davina asked as she finished fixing her shirt.

"Latent worries, love," he lied. He really didn't know how to talk to her about this one because they were both so firmly in the no children camp, he didn't know how the topic should be broached.

"Kol, it'd be better if you would just tell me what the hell is on your mind so I could stop playing twenty questions. I don't have enough coffee in my system and you are not good at hiding things from me, so spill," Davina ordered as she put her hands on her hips.


"Spill," she repeated.

"Fine, but don't hate me, I'm just telling you what I was told," he warned. "Keelin said your hCG levels are raised."

"My hCG levels?" she asked.

"Keelin unhelpfully ran a blood test, and there's a possibility that you might be pregnant," Kol stated as he looked her over.

"Pregnant," she raised her brows.

"Might be!" he swiftly interjected as he stared at her. Davina didn't do anything he was expecting, no hand to the stomach or shock look. She didn't look faint or upset, and she didn't look recklessly upset or livid or even confused. No, she looked a bit thoughtful instead.

"So... this weirdness is not because of the Regency, but rather because I had a blood test done?"

"Yeah," he winced.

"And I might, or might not be pregnant," she muttered. "And... well... that's a complication..."

"I can't confirm if you are or aren't and I'm trying not to freak out about it," he muttered.

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