Chapter 352

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Kol walked into his and Davina's room after talking to Kaleb and heard Davina retching in the bathroom. Carefully he walked around the door, and he peered into the bathroom to see Davian clinging to the toilet bowl rim as she threw up. He was fast to grab up her hair tie as he made his way over to Davina, pulling back her hair.

"I'm going to kill Hope and Constance," Davina gagged as she pushed back to sit on the tiles, with her head falling back on the wall.

"Still have the chills?" he asked.

She shook her head. "I'm a bloody witch, and I'm getting my ass kicked by a cold."

"It happens," Kol said softly.

"Why aren't you sick?" Davina groaned.

"Luck of the Irish?" he mused.

"You're not Irish."

"Can't mean I don't have the luck of the Irish."

"I'm going to kill you, as soon as I get rid of this cold," she groaned. "I don't have time for a summer cold, how the hell do the kids catch a cold at this time of year? And how come they shared it with me and not anyone else?"

"You're just beloved this way," he mused.

"I will throw up on you," she warned as Kol felt her brow, cheeks, and throat. Nothing felt hot or unusual, still he didn't like how pale she was. Carefully pulling her up into his arms, he scooped her up as he brought her to the bed. She shivered a little and he checked her over.

"Stop that," she swatted his hands away.

"Davina," Kol sighed. She was glaring at him, which had him snorting in amusement. "Last time you were sick we did watch Lord of the Rings, and the Hobbit. I can get Josh."

"Please, you go distill the blood of our walking plague nieces, and I'll hang out with Josh," Davina groaned. "Let me get you something to eat first, then I'll go deal with our walking plague nieces."

"Chicken noddle soup and ginger ale," she groaned.

"Gatorade," he countered.



"Oh come on!"

"No, you need fluids, Davina."

"Fine, but if I throw up I'll throw something at your head," she warned.

He snorted as he kissed her brow and left her to find Josh. Davina was scrambling out of the bed as he left. He heard her retching again, which had him turning around while he texted Josh to get the soup, Gatorade and movies as he went over to Davina. She was shivering and gagging as she hugged the porcelain rim again.

"Oh I'm going to kill them," Davina groaned as she rested on the rim of the toilet. "Survived the bullshit of COVID, and get taken down by a cold!" she retched again. Kol ran his hands over her shoulders as she gagged. "What The Fuck Did They Give Me!"

"I don't know," Kol sighed as he continued rubbing her back carefully. She was trembling violently as she retched violently.

Klaus saw Kol walk into the family parlor. Klaus' sick girls were all grouped on one side of the parlor and the healthy two were near the entrance where they could get as far away from their sisters. Hope, Constance and Faith all looked as miserable as Davina did upstairs, but they were all huddled under blankets, shivering, and pressed together. Klaus and Caroline were sitting with the sick girls, Hayley and Elijah were sitting with Grace and Amity. Kol leaned on the mantle as he looked at his siblings and nieces.

"You three walking plagues stay over there, and you two healthy ones stay there," Kol ordered.

Hope rolled her eyes as she glared at him before coughing deep in her chest as she pulled her blanket tighter around her.

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