Chapter 317

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Freya bounced Nik on her hip as she walked with Finn to the Big House. Rebekah and Marcel would be here tomorrow morning. Freya couldn't find Mikael, and she had been hunting for him, until Keelin reminded her that some of them had mortal jobs and mortal responsibilities, so she had to go to her shift, she had handed Nik over before Freya could argue that she needed to find Mikael, and that was where they were. She with Nik in her arms, and no idea what to do with a toddler who was demanding 'juice-juice' and babbling about a wolf stuffed animal. He was a cute kid, but she didn't know what to do.

She had read the letter from herself to herself about Nik, and she just... that was her baby but it felt wrong to try to take the place of his real mother, but Nik was hers. It was conflicting for her as she held the boy. She bounced him on her hip, when Finn had come over with Landon they had decided to go to the Big House to see if anyone knew where Mikael was. Klaus was the first person she saw walking in, he had Constance on his shoulders, as he was cooking with Hope. Amity was having her hair brushed by Caroline while Hayley was wrangling Grace into a sweatshirt, Elijah had Faith and a book.

"Freya," Elijah greeted as he looked up from what he and Faith were reading.

"Hope!" Nik bellowed in her arms as he made grabby hands for the teen.

"Landon!" Amity escaped Caroline's hair brushing as she rushed for her cousin. "It was so cool, there was bad blue light then mommy came in and kicked ass!"

"Amity Frida Mikaelson!" Caroline admonished. "You know better than to use that language, young lady!"

"Ass is a donkey!" Amity defended.

"Do not even try to use that excuse, young lady, or I'll be washing your mouth out with soap!" Caroline warned. "My humanity might be off, but my decency is not, now get back over here so we can finish your hair."

Hope was staring intently at Landon, who gave her a shy smile as he ducked behind Finn's legs.

"How is everyone?" Freya asked Finn scooped up Landon and took a seat at the table, Freya set Nik down to play with his cousins. The Quads didn't seem any the wiser that Nik wasn't their cousin, instead, Faith wriggled off of Elijah's bench to go play with Nik. Amity escaped Caroline and sat with Landon and Freya took Faith's abandoned seat as Elijah placed a marker in the book.

"Grace, stop wiggling and we'll get this on faster!" Hayley huffed.

"I wanna go!"

"I know, and you can, as soon as you hold still!"

Grace huffed in defeat and Hayley finally got Grace's head pulled through the hoodie.

"There, go play," Hayley ordered. The little girl bounded over to Faith and grabbed her sister's hand as they grabbed Amity and Landon and raced off in the Big House. There was a crash, which had Constand scramling off Klaus' shoulders while deftly kicking her father's head as she raced after her sisters and cousins. Amity snatched up Nik and ran after Constance.

"I don't want to know," Hayley muttered as she sat down by Elijah. "It's Klaus' problem."

"My problem!?" Klaus sputtered.

"Your problem today, I'm taking care of Davina, you have the girls, so it's Klaus' problem."

"You would leave me to those four hellions!" Klaus strangled out.

"Awe, baby daddy is scared, it's amusing," Hayley chuckled.

There was another crash and Elijah sighed as he got up to go investigate the children. Hayley got up, giving Hope a quick kiss on the crown of her head before she was gone.

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