Chapter 256

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Stiles wasn't feeling too good after what had happened, and he barely kept a lid on what was wrong with him. It felt like the Nogitsune, like this other being was growing in his head. And it felt like the Void, he wanted to cry out, scream, anything, but he kept a lid on it. He couldn't react, couldn't show it, he needed... oh fuck, he needed this thing out of him! Whatever that witch had fucking done, it had woken up a part of him he had thought gone!

He couldn't do this, not again, he couldn't... not again!

"Stiles," a hand touched his shoulder, he jerked back pressing himself against the door and window as he tried to breath. He felt out of control, this wasn't good... whatever the witch had done, it wasn't good, oh he did not like this! Whatever had been done with Davina's magic and then that other witch's magic, he didn't like it.

"Stile, look at me, Stiles," a voice was barking orders at him and Stiles just ignored it as he tried to get a grip.

"What's wrong with him?" a different voice asked.

"I don't know," Derek, that was Derek, that had to be Derek, he had to focus. Stiles jerked away when when other hands touched him.

"Six fingers in dreams, can't read," he started.

"Stiles!" a voice barked as he jerked.

"Hey, give him space," a new voice ordered and he found himself face to the face with that human who was calling Davina his baby girl, the name was escaping Stiles at this moment. He was trying to breath and found himself looking into deep, dark, obsidian eyes. "Breathe with me," the man encouraged. "In...Two...Three...Four," Stiles mimicked the order as he inhaled. "Hold... two...three...four..." the man encouraged. "Out...Two...Three...Four..." he said with an exhale.

They stood there doing that for a bit.

"Okay, I have five fingers, hold your hand up," the man ordered.

Stiles reluctantly did the same and stared, bewildered at five fingers. "Real," he whispered.

"Real," the man agreed. "What's that sign say," he jerked his head and Stiles looked over at a highway sign.

"Leaving New Orleans City Limits," he answered as he started trembling.

"Good, I'm real, you're real," the man stated.

"You're real," Stile was shivering violently. "I'm gonna be sick," he informed the other man who managed to jerk back as Stiles doubled over retching hard, he was gagging and gasping for breath, but nothing was coming up.

"Better out than in," the man offered as he patted Stiles' back hard.

"Oh, I do not like what that bitch did," Stiles admitted as he gagged and braced himself on his knees.

"Yeah... magic is a bitch," the man stated.

"How'd you do that," Stiles asked when the gagging subsided.

"I'm a six time war veteran," he shrugged.

"How's that a thing?" he gasped.

"Same way you're a veteran, you fight, now, come on, you can explain on the way what the hell is happening to you, I have to go save my baby girl now, so we'll deal with your shit on the way," he stated firmly.

Stiles waved off Derek as they loaded back up, though he let the elder scent check him. There was a water bottle thrust in front of his face and he took this as the universal command he had to drink water or the Sourwolf would strangle him. Not Stiles' favorite thing, but he accepted it.

"What exactly happened?" Derek growled threateningly.

"Dude, gimme a minute," he muttered tiredly. He still felt that thing in him, which had his skin wanting to crawl, his mind wanting to fracture again. It wasn't pleasant, it felt like whatever reaction had happened between him and Davina and the unknown witch, it had broken something loose in him. Stiles didn't like it, he didn't like this feeling because he knew how this would go if there was anything of the Nogitsune left in his mind. He couldn't handle that threate again, he couldn't, he knew what would win. He'd won once before because he had been clever, but this time, the Nogitsune would know his tricks. He couldn't outfox a thousand year old deity residing in his mind again.

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