Chapter 339

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Alaric found the Gemini property, a bit baffled as they pulled into a massive house, it was rather intimidating Victorian style house, or antebellum, Alaric wasn't sure. But it was massive. Carefully getting out of his car he walked to the house. It wasn't like the Mikaelson plantation, which was really more like a very small town. The Mikaelson Plantation had a market center, gym, and community center for the Wolves in the old slave quarters; there was so much wrong with that. So much wrong with how nothing seemed acknowledged on the Plantation, like it didn't have history or matter. He hated it, he hated how ambivalent the Mikaelsons were about race, he hated everything about how the Mikaelsons operated. And worse, they had people like Marcel Gerard who knew about the horrors on that property not speaking up. It angered Alaric greatly. He wanted to just take his girls and leave.

He just wanted his girls and Jo, together they could be a family, together, they could be whole and without the supernatural, he just wanted it all gone, he wanted freedom of it all and that wasn't going to ever happen.

A young blond man walked forward, he had big blue eyes.

"Alaric Saltzman?" he asked.

"Yes," he answered.

"Lucas Parker," he walked forward taking Alaric's hand firmly.

"This is Jeremy Gilbert," Alaric gestured to Jeremy then.

"Pleasure, come inside," Lucas said as he walked back to the house. Alaric walked in, and he blinked as it seemed like everything around them vanished.

"So... the Gemini?" Jeremy started.

"We are the oldest documented Coven in the world," he stated as he looked up at them.

"I thought the Bennetts were," Jeremy stated.

"They're the oldest recorded witch family, bloodline, but Covens go, the Gemini are the oldest Coven," Lucas explained. "We are able to trace our Coven lines to prehistoric Egypt, our family lines entwine with the Greeks later, and eventually the name Gemini for the twins which run heavily in our Coven bloodlines became a common know."

"Which is how Kai and Jo had twins each," Alaric deduced.

"And Liv," Lucas said softly. "Gemini always have twins. Alaric, you've reached out to us about the matter of the Skulk, the Coven run by Kol Mikaelson."

"Yes. I want to retain custody of my daughters and never endure being a witch," he explained.

"Your daughters are Siphoners," Lucas stated.

"I know, but if I can raise them outside of the Covens I think they'll never know they are Siphoners, not really, theyre still young," Alaric explained. "But I can give you Kai and the Skulk, I just want my daughters."

"And Jo?"

"Jo made her choices," Alaric stated firmly. Jo had served him with the divorce, and he wasn't going to stand by her when she couldn't even stand for their daughters. He wasn't going to deal with this.

"I see," Lucas nodded. "Well, my father is already in New Orleans, he's been making contact to get an equal assessment, we have begun assembling the Ascendent to imprison the Skulk."


"A Coven as powerful as the Skulk should not be killed off but rather imprisoned, the Gemini will take the accumulation of Kol Mikaelson's knowledge, and we have plans to take the Institute so it can be run properly, the frivolous nature of the Skulk makes it unnatural to entrust the witching community with their young," Lucas stated.

"Isn't Kol like a King to the witches?"

"Witches hold no King, Kol's unnatural, as is the Nine in New Orleans, but as the Nine have existed peacefully for the last three hundred years, the Gemini feel no reason to intervene on the world for New Orleans. But Kol Mikaelson, and his Collection, are becoming unnatural, and their breeding is becoming concerning as they have produced Five Tribrids which we foresee great calamity with, there is the lines of the Mikaelsons themselves. The family is of great, unnatural power, and since the mortal lines have started to grow, it has highlight unnatural, unsightly ancient magics that the family line was known to practice. Weaving of fate, tampering with time, altering history, the Ancient ways they followed. Our family has the original records about this family, and it is unflattering just what they can do in a full Coven at the height of their power. Then there is the matter of the Harvest Girls, a Harvest ritual is not about resurrection, it is about returning power of the dead to the Covens, it is unnatural there be two sets of Harvest Girls within one cove," Lucas explained.

The Vixen & the Fox IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora