Chapter 229

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Freya walked into her home, which was quiet this evening because Keelin had gone to a conference in St. Louis. Carefully Freya pulled down her hair, running her fingers through it as she walked through the quiet house. Tossing her keys in the key tray she flicked her fingers to light all the candles. Once she put down her bag of class papers to read over, she walked to her kitchen where she had a few fertility spells going. Nothing conclusive, but between her magic and Keelin's science they were making headways into having a child of their own.

Part of Freya had contemplated asking Kol for help, but given she had thoroughly burned that bridge unintentionally shortly after Rebekah had come to mortality, she didn't know how to approach Kol anymore. It was when he had returned from Norway with Davina, Freya had confronted him about if he had severed her from the Ancestors, because a vast majority of her power was gone. Kol had said he hadn't, he hadn't even stopped to see who the Ancestors were connected with because he had been so focused on regaining control of his magic. She had called bullshit.

The row they had over the connection to the Ancestors had had her roaring they were no longer family, he'd gotten his wish, she was not his sister. He had shouted that wasn't what he had wanted and stormed off.

Freya hadn't left the Skulk, she still felt connected to the Skulk as a coven, but she had felt very removed from Kol. The accusations she had hurled at him had done the damage to their tenuous relationship, and it had shattered any connection she could've had with him, as a leader or a brother. She had accused him of nasty, vile things, things which she knew he would never forgive her for. She had accused him of grooming Davina, she had accused him of never listening to the Skulk or their desires, and she had screamed he didn't want her in his family and disowned her. She hadn't meant any of it, but she hit every pressure point she knew Kol possessed, and she had hit it hard.

His parting shot at her was 'Congratulations! You fight like a fucking Mikaelson!' and he hadn't spoken to her since.

Yes, they spoke cordially in public, and they could even be professional to a degree, but they had no personal relationship. When she had agreed with Kol's plan for himself and Davina to play the bait while the Skulk participated in a hunt, she had thought he would be happy she could see his logic. He had instead looked bewildered and informed Davina they had to be dead; the barb had stung her deeply because he had said it so playfully.

What bothered Freya was she didn't know how much Davina actually knew about her and Kol's fallout. She didn't know if anyone in the family aside from Finn was aware of her fall out with Kol. He acted like nothing had happened, he would treat her pleasantly when they were with their siblings, and he never said anything when they were alone. He didn't reveal a thought or action, and Freya found it unsettling, because she didn't know if anyone actually knew about their falling out. Finn did because she had gone to him in hysterical tears, and they had talked all night after that. But it appeared neither of them would ever have good relationships with Kol.

Talking to Finn though had actually opened up a lot of insight about Kol, and there were points Kol had made which made her ashamed she had attacked how she had. Kol was an enigmatic figure in the family he played the roles assigned to him. He was Finn's antagonist to keep Finn away from Elijah, Nik and Henrik. He was Elijah's partner at times. He was Nik's wingman for trouble. He was Rebekah's henchman when summoned. He was Henrik's hero. And apparently, he had taken the role of being her villain without contesting it. Kol let his presentation of self be dictated by the roles assigned to him. Freya had noticed it a lot in the Skulk. Kol was only the leader because he was assigned the role. He was a friend because people claimed him as such. He was the fun uncle because the children decided that was his role. He was the protector, the antagonist, the instigator and schemer when they were confronting an enemy because the Skulk trusted him to be such.

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