Chapter 340

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Joshua made it back to his room in New Orleans, pulling out the spell to summon forth the Gemini. Ten years ago when Kol had come to them about Travelers, Joshua had prepared for the possibility they would have to take the old witch out. Imprisoning Kol was not the first option he had considered, but he had accepted it would be a reality, and he had built an Ascendent accordingly. Especially after Kol released Kai, the fool did not understand the dangers of a Siphoner.

Still, Prison Worlds were not easy to construct, and the few Bennett allies they had possessed were pulling away from them, whisking off to the unknown, swept up by the appeal of the Mikaelson bloodlines. The foolish, vain Bennetts always believed themselves the best and most powerful, but they didn't know a damn thing.

Now, Prison Worlds were tricky, not only to construct, but sustaining the power. The Gemini relied upon the Merge to happen because the magic needed to sustain the Prison Worlds was increasing painfully since they had started this. There were hundreds of Prison Worlds in the Gemini's care, some as old as Prehistoric Egypt, and all contained the worst monsters and creatures known to the world. They had started Merging back in Greece, not only because of a curse, but because it was soon figured out that was a way for a witch to sustain the right amount of power to maintain their Prisons, as they were the Wardens. Over the millenniums, it had gotten more and more tasking, and they had figured out ways around it, and Siphoners were a threat to that. Siphoners destroyed the Merge, they had learnt, because Siphoners collapsed the Prisons, collapsed the Gemini's magics, and it was very dangerous, especially when the Gemini unlocked or siphoned Prison Worlds. It had stressed Joshua out that his first born son, and first born child was a Siphoner, the last Siphoners had been made vampires by a Ripper, and it terrified Joshuua because in over a hundred years there'd been no Siphoner. Then there was Jo's daughters, not one, but two Siphoners born the very next generation, and then the Bennett had produced a Siphoner.

Nature's imbalance was showing and it had to be eliminated. The Skulk was a powerful imbalance of unnatural power, and it had to be made an example of. Joshua knew the Gemini had become reclusive, but it was time to remind the world who ran it, and it wasn't a Mikaelson. Thousands of years, the Gemini ran the witching world, no one dared to displease them or go against their rule, and no one had ever contested their rule, but the Skulk was a threat and it was to be eliminated.

It was for the greater good.

"Dad," Lucas greeted.

"Return to New Orleans, May sixteenth there is a total Lunar Eclipse, we will imprison the Skulk, and kill the Siphoners as warning," Joshua said firmly.

"You desire to kill the children?" Lucas asked coldly.

"It is necessary, for the Greater Good, so no one will create more," he said firmly and hung up. He would have to collect the children before the sixteenth which gave him time to figure out what to do with the children. It would not be hard to get the children but he wanted to do it now, cloak them so the Skulk was divided and looking for them rather than focusing on the influx of Gemini to enter New Orleans. The best way to take out a dangerous Coven like this was to divide it and he knew that Lucas would not fail him.

Since Lucas and Olivia had merged Lucas had inherited a lot of Olivia's ruthless, relentless, perfectionist drive. And Olivia's twins, Ophelia and Apollo, could never know of their cousins and the abominations of Siphoners and the threat Siphoners held to the Gemini. They could never be threatened; not since Joshua had lost his daughter to the Merge, he would not let her heirs be threatened. Lucas had inherited the fierce, maternal pull for Olivia's twins, and it had Lucas understanding Joshua's stances on a lot of what was to happen for Joshua's other grandchildren.

Part of Joshua was a bit startled looking upon the children. Elizabeth looked greatly like Olivia; in many ways that Ophelia and Apollo had not, and Josette; named for her mother, looked so like Joshua's late wife, it was startling. Then there was Radzim and Rameses, the boys looked so like Bennetts it was almost impossible to think they were that monster Kai's offspring, he hated them though. One look at those boys and he wanted to take a knife and gut them, the monsters they were to be was obvious, especially given their sire.

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