Chapter 350

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Kaleb and Kai had decided they would manage the clean up of the Gemini bodies. Bonnie was the one to push Davina and Kol to head home, or to the Mikaelson Mansion really. Kol was happy to go home, leaving Lucas Parker to the whims and mercies of Bonnie, Kaleb, and Kai. Nora and Beau had come with Kol and Davina though, Beau had eagerly helped Davina get Kol into the house. She invited them in, though both were wary about it. Getting Kol settled was easy. Getting Nora and Beau settled; difficult. She didn't really know what to do with the two Heretics, and they seemed at just of much of a loss on what to do with her. She hadn't formally extended the invitation for them to the Skulk, but the offer was made through Bonnie, and Davina didn't want to spurn them. Thank God Klaus was fast to get his homes stocked of essentials when she had told him this was where she was going with Kol and hunting for Kai, Kaleb, and Bonnie, Klaus had the house stocked fully with blood. So Davina started there, giving them blood, the two were famished, sinking their fangs into it greedily. Next she inspected Freya and Rebekah's closets, when they had been here Davina didn't know, and didn't want to know, but she found clothes for Nora. Next she rummaged through Marcel's and Kol's clothes, finding Beau clothes was harder because he was as tall as Kol or Marcel, but he was far leaner.

"Okay, I don't have much for the clothes, but I think these will for you guys," Davina said as she walked back to the kitchen. Beau and Nora looked startled, and it was now Davina noticed they had drained a lot of blood bags.

"You guys can eat, but if you want something alive, don't eat in town, and if you try to eat me, I'll drop you."

"Only your Kol gets to eat you?" Nora teased.

Davina felt her face heat slightly but raised a brow, and Beau smiled in amusement. "Sure," Davina drawled out. "Make yourselves at home, there's a guest wing, if you need anything just ask, if you have questions about this time, just ask, and if you want a few grimoires to read, the library is down the hall and to the left."

Beau was fast to sign something to Nora.

"You'd let us study magic?" Nora said turning to Davina in disbelief.

"Yes," she answered. "I'm not sure if you'll be part of the Skulk, that is up to you if the Elders accept the invitation, and if you are a part of the Skulk then I'm not denying you access to magic. And even if you're not a part of the Skulk, you should be free to study magic as you are both witches."

"The Gemini would never let us near magic," Nora started carefully.

"I'm not the Gemini," Davina stated firmly. "I only ask you don't leave the house right now, and that you don't hurt anyone, and we'll figure this out. Bonnie extended a sincere offer to you, and I would like to carry it out."

"Why are you so kind to us? You don't know us!?" Nora blurted out.

"Because I can, I know what it is to be alone in a Coven, and I know what it is to have no control over your life or circumstances, and I wouldn't wish that upon anyone, if I can offer you aid, and shelter, I shall, if you need my protection, I will go out on a limb and offer it, but betray me, or harm those I love, I'll burn you to ash and walk away whistling Dixie."

Davina checked in on Kol, he slept soundly, and deeply, she checked his wounds, there were cuts and bruises but he was still okay, which had her bandaging his arms and hands. His knuckles were bruised and torn up, his body battered, but she couldn't feel his ribs being broken, and while the rest of him was bruised and there was a nasty deep gash on his hip, she didn't think he was going to die.

"Molesting the dead?" Kol muttered. She jerked out of her thoughts as she was jerking off his pants.

"Yes, lift your hips, I'm cleaning you up," she ordered.

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