Chapter 358

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Landing in Norway, it was weird, the mortals were explaining the strangeness that had started up as a solar flare, or a flare in the magnetic field of earth, but overall... shit was weird. Marcel had been gaping when they were flying and he could almost swear it was like a massive shark circled them in the clouds, he'd seen the ridges of a dragon, and almost passed out. Marcel had been through slavery, wars, epidemics, pandemics, genocides, and vampire wraths, Marcel knew all of the degrees of human cruelty there was to be had. But he had laughed at the fanciful tales of dragons, fairies, faeries, fae, elves, trolls, dwarves, unicorns, it was nonsense.

But one silent moment staring at a beast that belonged in Game of Thrones, gliding soundlessly. The beast was as big as the airplane! It was silent and like an alligator or crocodile, it's reptilian eye looked upon him before the beast disappeared.

"The hold of Malivore is weakening rapidly," was all Klaus had said. So eerily calm about a fucking dragon! Dragons were so not real in his world, and seeing that they could be had Marcel internally panicking, this world couldn't survive that. It was like they had missed the sight though, the way the Originals all looked longingly at the beast which had disappeared.

And things got weirder when they landed; Marcel didn't get a lot of the weirdness, but things were disappearing and people were confused. Things which weren't human would appear, things would disappear, Marcel swore this was the strangest; Lord of Rings level weirdness, or Chronicles of Narnia; maybe even that Sarah J. Maas series Davina was always reading; hell, it was like living in the Witcher, and it'd only been a day so far of this weirdness. Marcel swore birds were talking, and it was freaking him out, but if this was to be the new normal, it had to go, it had to go back to wherever the hell it had come from because this era, this world, wouldn't survive it. Particularly when Marcel heard a news report of a beast singing a cargo ship, it came out and wrapped itself around the ship, crushing it to the abyss, there was apparently news video.

Yup, the world didn't need this shit, there were things in Pandora's Box which should not be in this world. And he had more conviction about that as they travelled through Norway to meet up with the Mikaelsons and Skulk. He just wanted everything to go back to normal.

They pulled up to Klaus' house, and Marcel scrambled out of the car, bursting into the house, he saw Davina reading and he caught his baby girl in a tight hug, shivering as he held her tightly.

"Oh fuck baby," he breathed as he held his daughter tight.

"It's okay?" she said uncertainly and he pulled away from her, looking at his daughter as he traced her arms over and her arms.

"There are mother fucking DRAGONS Davina! It Is NOT Okay!" Marcel bellowed.

"I rather missed dragons," Klaus stated as he walked into the house.

"NO! I Am Not Living In A Game Of Thrones Reenactment! That Never Ends Well!" Marcel roared. Marcel cringed at the memory.

"It'll all be gone tomorrow, promise," Davina said.

"Why are Havoc, Aska, and Enar here?" Kol asked, it was now Marcel saw Kol's hand rubbing the dogs' ears, both were happily wrapping themselves around his legs and wagging their tails as they had big canine smiles on their faces.

"Why are the dogs here?" Marcel looked at Davina then.

Davina threw up her hands in an 'I Don't Know' gesture as she sighed and shook her head in exasperation.

"Um, I think I did a spell," Hope admitted. "And there's so much magic, I just... whoops," Hope sighed.

"Well, it's fine," Henrik chuckled.

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