Chapter 247

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Honestly, Lydia was surprised when their pack was presented a full house, a full seven bedroom house. An entire antebellum style house, it was huge; okay, not like the Big House that they had pulled up to, or the Wolf Compound they had seen, or any of the other houses around the area, but it was big, and spacious. From her research she knew the Plantation was massive, the largest in Louisiana, and a 'family' farm, they owned land all throughout the country, and world, the Mikaelsons that is. Their primary crops were apples, peaches, strawberries, melons, softwoods like pine, cotton, rice, sweet potatoes, soybeans, and sugar cane, they also seemed to do furs and dairy, which she thought was interesting; and that was just what she learnt of this Plantation, not the entire Mikaelson empire. The Plantation was elegant, she had noticed that, it seemed timeless and flourishing, rather beautifully too.

It was their first morning in Louisiana, and on the Plantation, and Lydia was studying her surroundings. There were whisperings on the air, which had her ears twitching this morning, there was so much magic, she could feel it, which had her curiously following it. She saw one of the women from yesterday, the petite brunette. Curiosity had Lydia following her; the petite woman radiated power, a lot of magic seemed bound to the woman.

"I know you're following me, Faith Astrid Mikaelson," the woman spoke calmly, freezing Lydia. Lydia hid behind a tree, peering around it as she watched a little girl with short, auburn hair appear.

"I was working on my cloaking!" the girl pouted.

"And you're getting very good, but I did not make those bracelets so you could take them off," the brunette warned. "You need to wear that bracelet until you have better control, just like all your sisters and cousins do, it's not negotiable; do you understand, Faith?"

"Oui Tatie D," the girl sighed.

"Mmm, I'm teaching a morning lesson for the early risers, want to join?" Lydia was stunned when she found herself face to face with the blue eyed brunette holding the hand of the little girl.

"Hi," she smiled nervously.

"Bonjour," D replied dryly. "Since I have two unstealthy stalkers, would you two like to join the morning class for the early risers?"

"Oui Tatie," 'Faith' answered.

"Uh... Sure," Lydia offered.

"Bon, this way," D motioned as she walked. "I need more coffee..."

"Mommy says coffee stunts your growth!" Faith chirped.

"Your mommy is tall, so is your daddy, and all the freaking Vikings in this family, but I, young one, am eternally stuck at five foot three, my growth is capped, stunted, I will never be taller!" D sighed dramatically. "Also, Tatie D runs solely on caffeine, Faith, meaning no coffee, no function, no magic."

Faith giggled hysterically.

Lydia smiled a bit in amusement; as she was also five-three, and short forever while every supernatural she encountered was rather tall. "So... what does Tatie D teach?" Lydia asked as she fell into step with Faith.

"Magic," Faith answered.

"I teach connection, beginning magics, and basic elemental introduction to fire," D stated.

"That's a hefty amount of teaching," Lydia decided; she didn't understand all of what D had stated.

"Not really," D shrugged. "I only teach when I'm in town."

"Tatie D and Uncle Kol are vagabond Vikings adrift!" Faith smiled.

"I am not a vagabond anything!" D turned on Faith then. "And how do you know that word!?"

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