Chapter 218

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Davina giggled a bit as she and Kol brought in the New mortal Year by making out under a magnolia tree with their magic running rampant because they were both tired of control. He whispered well wishes in Old Norse while she pleaded with him in French, they had both laughed at the clap of thunder overhead.

"Happy New Years love," Kol breathed against her pulse.

"Happy New Years sugar," she breathlessly whispered as the rain finally started pouring.

The rest of January passed in a haze of frantic studying and planning for planting season. She and Kol talked about the various crops they could grow and should grow. Preparation was needed, especially as the Plantation grew bigger, and vaster with the land expansion. It was a bit of a pain in the ass, but Davina didn't mind ultimately.

Her 19th birthday had passed her in a feverish haze because she'd caught a cold, Kol had also caught the cold, and they were both miserable; but they had had a Lord of the Rings marathon with Josh and that made it alright.

Davina was of the firm opinion though, by February, she was the only non-pregnant, with no intentions of getting pregnant, woman at prenatal yoga. Between Hayley, Monique and now Rebekah, Davina was never getting out of this class, the teacher knew her by name, and just asked who she was with. Which was fine, Davina didn't mind being here, but she was a bit annoyed; especially when some moms started talking down about her. It didn't matter though, it didn't, she was here for Rebekah and moral support and after the miscarriage Rebekah had suffered, Davina would suck it up if it made Rebekah more at ease being here. Davina did a lot of things she didn't normally want to do to appease people in her life.

Like Kai.

Kai had had a massive lapse in previous year because of his sister's pregnancy with Siphoners, and then being brought into the Skulk. It had dredged up a lot of his childhood trauma, and he'd not coped well with all of that bombarding his head. He had feared his sister would abuse the Siphoner babies, because they were Siphoners, he was terrified his father was going to come and throw him back up into the attic, he had been angry and felt he was about to be replaced with the new Siphoner twins and would lose his magic, and he'd been hurt because he felt so lost and not himself. Davina had gotten used to having Kai trailing after her like a lost kid when she was home, and she knew he was clinging to Bonnie and Kaleb desperately. And even since the birth of the twins, he hadn't had anything to do with them, not even being in the same house as them, and he had almost physically kidnapped Davina the one time she offered to just babysit the twins. Davina babysat a lot of kids, so she hadn't seen the problem in offering, between the Quads, Alizée and now the twins, the Skulk had grown drastically and she was the leader with Kol and she should help how she could. Kai had been livid at the idea of her babysitting them rather than spending time with him. Davina had ended up locked in a room with seven babies and Kai; and Kai had been pouting the entire time.

March and April passed in a haze of college stress for Davina, because she really was a good student and she hated feeling inadequate. Bonnie and Caroline managed to get her to her first frat party. Davina felt more like a designated driver than a party goer as she saved Abby, Cassie, and Monique from being embarrassed about something, and she kept Bonnie hydrated, and she kept Caroline from sinking her teeth into an idiot frat boy who was trying to get her to grind against him. In the end, Davina decided college was overrated and she would love to go home to Kol and read a fucking book instead of going to a frat party. At least Kol wasn't handsy; if she had to swat one more hand off her ass, she would not be responsible for her actions and she would remind everyone why she was Marcellus Gerard's daughter. Davina Claire was over parties.

Hayley had saved her that night and Davina threatened her Skulk and Caroline with pain of a thousand bolts of lightning the next time a person took her to a frat party. She hated parties; of this she was certain. Hayley had sat with her in the dorm eating popcorn as they both bitched about petty problems and did each other's hair. Again 80s movie marathon was to be had.

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