Chapter 353

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Davina hadn't been ill in so long, this fucking sucked.

She had thought it nothing but a miserable cold, or the stomach flu, it wasn't relenting and Davina knew she was rapidly dropping weight she didn't have to lose. Kol was busy figuring out how to make the weapon needed to slay Malivore, and attract a powerful god to think they were tracking the tribrids, and Davina was relieved he wasn't around to hover. If Kol was suitably distracted, then he wasn't around to drive her insane when she was trying to rest, but it greatly bothered her this stupid cold wouldn't go away.

Hope, Constance and Faith had recovered last week, and were helping in Kol's forging of the weapon; so was Henrik, even Elijah and Klaus were helping, which was important because it was a big project. Davina though was trying to ignore being sick, which was working out fantastically, unless she saw food, smelled food, or thought about food; anything that was not the plainest of foods had Davina sick. There was also her raging headache from lack of caffeine given the fact all the Mikaelsons had ganged up on making sure she was taking more fluids. Which was a bit of an irritation, especially when Hope traded out her coffee for peppermint tea, or worse, ginger tea; Davina wanted to commit murder; if she was sneezing and attempting to hack up a lung with her stomach, she might've actually stabbed Hope when Hope had stolen her coffee.

Today though was Bonnie's baby shower, given the fact Davina wasn't one hundred percent sure she and Kol could pull off what they were going to try to pull off they had sort of put everything off, except to act normal. Normal involved baby showers, birthdays, family barbeques, arguing over blood types and meat types and cooking styles. It was all fine, Davina was fine with it.

Except today.

Today she wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed, and die. Death sounded nice right about now. Her stomach had just about evacuated her body when she had seen breakfast this morning, and her stomach wasn't settling; she had forced herself to choke down a beignet; which she went and threw up when her nieces were looking, then she ate a banana with peanut butter and toast; which she had almost thrown up; she was pretty sure peanut butter was too heavy to come back up so she spent a lot of time gagging over a toilet bowl. Though nothing came up.

If she had COVID she was going to gladly kill a god.

It was during the festivities though was when Davina really started feeling the nausea as she watched Bonnie open gifts, and the party had melted into joy. Bonnie opened the gift Davina had gotten her, a stuffed wolf for the baby. She had gotten Rameses a stuffed hippo, and Radzim a stuffed grizzly bear, something in line with the country names Bonnie selected, a wolf seemed broad enough to pick given Davina had no idea what name she had picked. But when Davina's stomach did a very unexpected swooping flip, like one she'd have gotten experiencing looking over a great drop or a rollercoaster, Davian had scrambled and bolted for a bathroom. She had evaded Hayley, and Rebekah, but she didn't care, barely making it to the bathroom before she tripped; nearly falling into the toilet as she skidded to her knees to throw up. Hands caught her braid before it swung in her face.

Nothing but Gatorade and bile came up, burning her throat and tongue as she gagged, choking, gasping and feeling tears burn her eyes as snot dribbled from her nose. She whimpered a little as her stomach ached from trying throw up but nothing coming as she gasped for air.

"I have a wash towel, and ice," Rebekah's voice spoke. Davina choked as she gripped the rims of the bowl tighter, feeling the burn of acid and the way her stomach was still churning. Finally Davina was just trying to catch her breath as she sat there weak, and aching as she fell back again.

"Here, Davina," Hayley was careful pressing the cool cloth to her head, the ice was in a baggie and it wrapped around her throat as she sat there breathing. Closing her eyes she just tried to catch her breath.

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