Chapter 237

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It was ridiculously early in the morning when Davina roused, which had her glaring at the sunlight filtering through the curtains. She just wanted to sleep, her freaking magical growth spurt wouldn't leave her alone! Grumbling she shifted a bit, Kol was sleeping beside her, and his hand was on the small of her back, but they weren't entwined together, which meant he'd had a restless night. Sighing, Davina gave up as she pulled herself out of her bed, she needed coffee and yoga, in that order. She wasn't going to deal with this shit if she wasn't caffeinated. Freaking magical growth spurts!

Davina was quietly prepping the coffee as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes when there was a knock on her door. Frowning, Davina carefully picked up the elm wand as she walked towards the door, opening it to Elijah. Peering around him she looked in the hall then at Elijah. She didn't feel anyone else here, none of the Mikaelsons, or vampires, or wolves, the nearest witches were residing in other buildings which had her looking suspiciously at Elijah; who she just now noticed was holding coffees in hand.

"Good morning, might I come in?" Elijah asked as he held the coffee out for her. Davina accepted.

"Only because you brought coffee," she muttered as she stepped aside and let Elijah into the apartment.

"Kol is still asleep," Elijah chuckled as a loud snore was heard.

"He's not the fire witch going through an annoying magical growth spurt," she enviously grumbled. She would kill to be able to sleep in, she missed sleeping in. Walking around Elijah she sipped her coffee as she went to go turn her coffeepot on. Even if she had coffee from Elijah she was going to need more coffee. She wasn't a fool.

"What brings you here, Elijah?" she asked cautiously. Though Davina was comfortable with the other Mikaelsons, she didn't really deal with them on her own, other than Rebekah and Henrik. Freya, Finn, Elijah, and Klaus were all very much so older than her and she just didn't connect with them in a lot of ways, and there were lingering fears from Big Her engrained in Davina's nightmares. Nightmares she did not always fully understand but did star Mikaelsons as leads for the terrors. Not that Davina really allowed Big Hers' lost memories influence her, or guide her, but it was an aspect of reality.

"I'm aware of yours and Kol's reluctance to involve the family in what you have deemed your problems to solve because of this... Honey To-Do list, as Big you referred to it, but as this is not solely a problem of your creation, I am here to offer my services."

"And by offer I'm assuming you mean you're here before Klaus starts upstaging us?" Davina yawned tiredly.

"It is a possibility I will aid him," Elijah said softly.

Davina frowned as she sat on the stool, hooking her feet on a bar.

"Davina, you are an exceptionally cunning, and dangerous woman, to which I commend you as it is impressive for anyone to survive Kol this long, mortal or immortal, he's always been reckless and impulsive," Elijah stated.

"Buttering me up won't get my favor."

"Acknowledging your skills and power though is not 'buttering you up'. I do think you've underestimated your enemy though," Elijah informed her.

"How so?"

"I built Strix," he stated. "I know, even if I have not been involved with the organization for the last nine hundred years or so, I know it's ideology and motives, and despite what Kol might remember or know, he does not know everything."

"So? I've gone against others with less than what I have," she pointed out honestly. She had followed Kol after Silas on a hunch, and they had hunted Dahlia on theories and half pieces of information.

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