Chapter 345

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Elena Gilbert wasn't a fool, She might not be in the supernatural world, but she wasn't a fool. She didn't deal with Damon, she didn't talk about the supernatural community with Jeremy or Alaric, and she didn't talk to Caroline anymore because of the supernatural, and she sparsely talked with Bonnie about things. Bonnie and Caroline were steeped in the supernatural because Bonnie was involved with the druid and something called a Heretic, and she was a prominent member of a Coven run by Mikaelsons. Caroline was married to and stepmother of Mikaelsons. And Elena had never forgiven the Mikaelsons for everything they had put her through. Granted, Elena had seen a therapist the moment she had turned human again, and she had worked out a lot of her issues, primarily the fact she had never had a chance to grieve properly without being thrown into supernatural drama since the age of sixteen.

But in her therapy, she had also learned to accept her limited control, and to let go of things she couldn't control, and since Kol and Davina had given her back her mortality, she had enjoyed living.

Her and Stefan had gotten married a couple years ago when she had graduated medical school and started her residency at Whitmore, and they had built a life from there. No, not everything between her and Stefan was ever going to be perfect, they'd both gone to individual and couples therapy to make things work, but they were happy. Damon had even stepped aside for them to be happy, though Elena got the sense Damon had just gone to Bonnie. Elena could never really figure out how Bonnie of all people was in a polyandrous relationship, with Damon as a side piece.

Life was great, it was everything Elena had wanted before she had been turned into a vampire. She got to go to med school, she was a doctor, she was a wife, and the moment she had gotten pregnant was everything she had ever wanted. She was a mother. To feel that life growing in her, and knowing she got to do this, it was spectacular. She had gleefully announced her pregnancy to the world, and watched everyone's well wishes, even from Caroline and Bonnie. Elena had loved arguing over paint colors for the nursery and picking out furniture with Stefan, and then there'd been her baby shower, and everything. Picking out names was easy, Alexia for Stefan's best friend, and Jenna for Elena's aunt. Elena had debated naming her daughter after her aunt or her mother, but in the end Jenna was the person there for her and Jeremy when everything had gone to hell, so she had named her daughter for her aunt. She'd name her next daughter for her mother, and maybe Stefan's mother, Stefan never talked about his mother, but she knew he loved his mother very much when she had lived. The day Elena had gone into labor was the best and worst day of her life. She was elated to have Lexi, get to hold her and sobbed for joy getting to hold her baby girl. But then she saw Lexi and Elena's world shattered.

For one horrible moment when Lexi had been born Elena had panicked thinking she had had a doppelgänger. In her panic she had contacted Bonnie and Bonnie had come out to test Lexi. It was then Elena had learnt Bonnie had recently given birth to her own children, twin sons, and they bonded over new mother things. And they wanted their kids to be friends. Elena accepted that down her bloodline there would be another doppelgänger, and she didn't want that doppelgänger to be screwed to the mercies and whims of the supernatural like she was, she wanted her children to have a familial bond with Bonnie's.

It was because of that Elena had pushed harder for a friendship with Bonnie, and Bonnie had finally agreed to come to Mystic Falls; Elena was excited to truly catch up with her friend, but also to meet Bonnie's sons, and Alaric's daughters.

Now though, unease filled Elena at the sight of Kol and Davina.

The pair had aged gracefully, still youthful and young. Kol's hair was redder than Elena remembered, but his dark eyes still alight with unknown, playful intent, he had a beard, not a big one, but enough of one that it highlighted his age. He had to be in his mid-thirties, and mortality had been aging him gracefully, he was still massive and lean, and he looked far more dangerous with age than he had as an immortal twenty something. Davina's hair was dark, nearly black, her eyes a brilliant blue, and her features far less pouty, she was still a sharp, sharp woman, her face was angular, and impish, she was waif like or elven, rather like the vixen Elena heard Bonnie compare her to. There was a dramatic element to Davina's appearance, her angles, her eyes, her coloring, she wasn't flashy, but there was a lot of dramatics in her appearance. Kol's appearance was same, dangerous look he'd had eleven years ago.

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