Chapter 251

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Davina stood, took a step back, feeling Katie beside her as she looked up at the warehouses. The February wind ruffled Davina's hair and her arm burned with the celestial magic she and Kol had learnt to utilize together. The wand in her back pocket was heavy, and her purse of supplies was shouldered carefully. Part of her wondered what they were hiding, but then she didn't care. She looked at the spell she had laid out before her, and then back up to the barrier she could feel.

"Are you sure about this?" Katie asked Davina.

"We're about to find out," Davina admitted as she pulled the wand from her pocket. She wasn't inclined to make it it's proper size. Carefully infusing her magic to the wand she let it float below her as she closed her eyes and let her magic flow as she held out her hands and tilted her head back. Slowly her power unfurled, feeling the edges of the barrier truly, for it was large and formidable. Davina tensed as she stood up straight, her head held high, her shoulders back and her hands out.

"Brûlez-le," she breathed as her eyes snapped open. The fire from the candles she had place burst into a roaring flame, tearing skyward. Davina winced as it felt like her magic wasn't penetrating the barrier, however, that came to a head when her spell came crashing back at her with fire and all of the people near her scattered. Davina caught her wand, lifting it as she breathed the counter spell. "Éteindre."

The fire wrapped back around the wand as it dissipated.

"What did you do little witch!?" Klaus snarled furiously.

"They're clever, which means this isn't going down all on it's own! Also, a fire witch put it up, otherwise my magic would've burned through it," she stated. "Which means I'm going in with Stiles and Derek."

"Oh no!" Klaus grabbed her and pulled her away before she could walk towards the warehouse. "You are not going in there alone, little witch."

"I will be fine Klaus!" she escaped his grasp as she turned to him and Marcel. "Be right back," she promised. Stile jogged with her as she ran for the fence, she broke through it with ease, clambering over the fence, swinging her legs over it and dropping down. Landing with a hard thud going up her heels she stood to see Stiles and Derek there. Davina pocketed her wand as she pulled the lighter, she kept on hand before walking forward. The runes she wore rattled a bit which had her stopping.

"Here," she pulled off two of her own protection runes for the men beside her. Derek looked a bit startled, and Stiles examined it closely.

"This is Aegishjalmur," Stiles stated.

Davina blinked a few times as she looked at the taller man. "Yes, and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one butchering saying that."

"It's the Helm of Awe and Terror, it's comprised of two different Old Norse Words meaning 'shield' and 'helm', Vikings used to draw this on their foreheads to instill fear in the enemy, it's mentioned in a lot of the sagas and lore," Stiles informed her rapidly.

"Yes, well, Kol made that one a thousand years ago, don't lose it," she said firmly.

"A... Thousand years ago!" Stiles sputtered.

"Stiles! Focus!" Derek snapped.

"Focusing!" Stiles huffed as he pulled it over his head. "Oh cool, you have Vegvisir," Stiles pointed at Derek's symbol.

"Not the time Stiles!"

"Come on," Davina walked forward. She felt her own runes rattle, but she felt better knowing the other pair were somewhat protected. Stiles picked up a pipe which had her raising her brow at the clanging as she turned to look at him.

The Vixen & the Fox IIOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora