"Bonnie deserves to be welcomed into her family for her own standing and not connections to the Skulk," Kol warned firmly.

"As interesting as the Skulk is as a powerful Coven and not a Collectors Coven, we hold no interest in anything you possess," Lucy dismissed. "Bonnie is a Bennett, that is family, it isn't a Coven like the Skulk, and the Skulk did far more for her than we did, so her connections to you and your Coven are far stronger than the bonds she might form with us. We just wish for her to know we desire her as a member of our family, and as a leader, and as herself, the decisions from there are hers."

"Good, let's find Bonnie," Kol said softly as he walked in with Davina. The old mansion was under renovations, but it was clearly habital, it was Klaus' influence, Kol could see that. But there were other elements which made it clearly Bonnie's. Carefully he walked through the house with Lucy.

"I was surprised this was the house our Ancestors were laid to rest in, the Master's house, but then Bonnie said our Ancestors deserved the best, and this was the land they worked and bled over, and it was more theirs than the former dead Masters," Lucy said softly as they reached a witch workshop. "So we've been letting her restore the mansion to her vision for their souls to have peace and beauty."

"It's stunning," Davina whispered in awe.

"Yes, and this is Sheila's map of the Prison Worlds," Lucy pulled out the stack of old parchments as she handed it to Kol.


Bonnie finally had the map up, she was surprised at how the ink raised to actually become a galaxy. She blinked rapidly seeing multiple earths and planets appear, constellations moving form, and fae lines illuminated.

"Amazing," Kaleb muttered.

She looked through the map trying to figure out how to read it. "It appears to track... celestial events," she muttered. She watched as a worlds align then break apart, realigning. There were other instances, earth caught in a rotation spinning, then stopping, reversing as a comet sailed by, the comet was caught and pulled back to.

"It appears that these are the Gemini prisons, and their events," Kaleb muttered. "Planetary alignments, solar eclipses, celestial events like Halley's comet, meteor showers."

"They track these lines," Bonnie mutteres as she pointed out to the gold threads, carefully walking through the almost holographic images of stars. They all led to a ball of thread, of power, it looked to be a star, but she carefully moved the magic to see it wrapped around Earth.

"They don't animate a world, Bon, it's not a different dimension, they loop a moment in time, displacing space," Kaleb muttered.

"These have to be the newer Prisons," she muttered as she looked at the threads entangling around the fae lines and arches, the way the stars shifted around the threads. It was unnatural, but beautiful. She carefully followed the threads, there were some fraying, thinning out from silver to grey.

"How do you figure the age of these worlds?" she asked cautiously as they came to a point in the map where it was like there were snapped and frayed threads, shattered illuminations of worlds, or celestial events flickering in and out and almost disappearing.

"I didn't, but star watching paid off," Kaleb admitted with a snort. "Call me a nerd, dearie,but this particular arrangement, this conjunction," he pointed to an alignment which had her blinking.

"This particular even, the eight planets aligning, not perfectly, but as perfectly as nature permits, this event doesn't happen but once every few thousand years, Bonnie," he said. "This event, to druids, is a day of the veil dropping entirely, before Kol did what Kol did, this was the event to spark a Wild Hunt, where gods, fae, and everything which goes bump in the night could cross the barriers."

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