The Vixen & the Fox II

By BluBooThalassophile

78.8K 3.7K 312

PART II Davina and Kol just went to Mystic Falls to check in on their niece and research a mysterious dark ob... More

Chapter 201
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Chapter 234
Chapter 235
Chapter 236
Chapter 237
Chapter 238
Chapter 239
Chapter 240
Chapter 241
Chapter 242
Chapter 243
Chapter 244
Chapter 245
Chapter 246
Chapter 247
Chapter 248
Chapter 249
Chapter 250
Chapter 251
Chapter 252
Chapter 253
Chapter 254
Chapter 255
Chapter 256
Chapter 257
Chapter 258
Chapter 259
Chapter 260
Chapter 261
Chapter 262
Chapter 263
Chapter 264
Chapter 265
Chapter 266
Chapter 267
Chapter 268
Chapter 269
Chapter 270
Chapter 271
Chapter 272
Chapter 273
Chapter 274
Chapter 275
Chapter 276
Chapter 277
Chapter 278
Chapter 279
Chapter 280
Chapter 281
Chapter 282
Chapter 283
Chapter 284
Chapter 285
Chapter 286
Chapter 287
Chapter 288
Chapter 289
Chapter 290
Chapter 291
Chapter 292
Chapter 293
Chapter 294
Chapter 295
Chapter 296
Chapter 297
Chapter 298
Chapter 299
Chapter 300
Chapter 301
Chapter 302
Chapter 303
Chapter 304
Chapter 305
Chapter 306
Chapter 307
Chapter 308
Chapter 309
Chapter 310
Chapter 311
Chapter 312
Chapter 313
Chapter 314
Chapter 315
Chapter 316
Chapter 317
Chapter 318
Chapter 319
Chapter 320
Chapter 321
Chapter 322
Chapter 323
Chapter 324
Chapter 325
Chapter 327
Chapter 328
Chapter 329
Chapter 330
Chapter 331
Chapter 332
Chapter 333
Chapter 334
Chapter 335
Chapter 336
Chapter 337
Chapter 338
Chapter 339
Chapter 340
Chapter 341
Chapter 342
Chapter 343
Chapter 344
Chapter 345
Chapter 346
Chapter 347
Chapter 348
Chapter 349
Chapter 350
Chapter 351
Chapter 352
Chapter 353
Chapter 354
Chapter 355
Chapter 356
Chapter 357
Chapter 358
Chapter 359
Chapter 360
Chapter 361
Chapter 362
Chapter 363
Chapter 364
Chapter 365
The End
The Secret & the Legacy: Prologue
The Secret & the Legacy: Chapter 1
The Secret & the Legacy: Chapter 2
The Secret & the Legacy: Chapter 3
The Secret & the Legacy: Chapter 4
The Secret & the Legacy: Chapter 5
The Secret & the Legacy: Chapter 6
The Secret & the Legacy: Chapter 7
The Secret & the Legacy: Chapter 8
The Secret & the Legacy: Chapter 9
To Continue Reading...

Chapter 326

344 17 1
By BluBooThalassophile

The cold November upon them was rather relaxing, the shortening days felt relieving to Kol; he had always been fond of autumn and winter, if he was honest he thought it was better than summer and spring. The Quads' eighth birthday was a quiet affair, with little in the gift department beyond a few quilts, socks, mittens and hats; all of which the family had made for the girls, and a small feast they kept things quiet.

Kol kept careful eyes on Hope and Nik, watching their assimilation into the the Mikaelson family with care. The only person who seemed unaffected by the spell was Henrik. Probably because Henrik was to blame for the two timelines; at least that was Kol's theory. Davina and Kol knew they weren't affected because they had been the casters of the spell while everyone else had been a power source, but Henrik being unaffected had Kol wary that his little brother was more Norn and witch than they would ever truly understand. Not that it mattered now, Henrik had agreed to keep the rewrite to himself until Hope turned; her turning would break the spell on his family but not the world; rather like a compulsion. But there was time.

They didn't have a Thanksgiving this year, because they were in Norway and while they did celebrate being American, a holiday for feasting and partying was always welcomed even as it's meaning had shifted from what it originally had been about. Still, time for family and gratitude for survival were always good things in Kol's mind, so they celebrated a bit quietly and a bit more softly about their coming year.

November killed what remained of autumn as winter started taking firm hold of the land, and December spectral hold of winter slowly came forth. And it was on such a day when he and Davina had driven to his sister's home to enjoy a family 'human day' as Rebekah had deemed them. Rebekah had made human days a normal aspect of Mikaelson family life since Kol had given Davina her first human day, and they were about monthly, which was fun and fine with Kol. The family was rarely far from each other except when one of them off travelling on their own which was frequent on Kol's end.

"I have the gumbo, Kol!" Davina insisted.

"Davina, we both know the boys are going straight for you, and Louis is walking, so no, I'm taking it," Kol said as he got the crockpot from her and held out a hand for her.


"Davina," he countered. "As lovely as you are, I'd like to eat the gumbo not have my nephews wearing it," Kol stated firmly as he took her had.

"You have no faith in my abilities to walk to the front door," she muttered.

"Not in Norway in winter, no," he agreed.

"I miss the swamp," she muttered. "And heat, you know, sunshine warming the blood, and more than seven hours of daylight."

"I like the night," he smiled.

"Of course you do, you're chaos," she mused.

"You know me so well," Kol chuckled. "And it looks like we're the last to arrive!"

"Sorry everyone, Kol wouldn't stop primping!" Davina said as they walked into Marcel's and Rebekah's house she peeled out of her coat with ease, hanging it up.

"Of course, have you seen me?" Kol demanded.

"Many time, and yet you never look any prettier," Rebekah mocked. "Good of you to finally share your wife," Rebekah grabbed his wife and hauled her into the house.

"I feel like you're saying wife like it's something ominous," Kol muttered as he walked to the kitchen.

"It is, you did not invite us to partake in celebrations," Klaus said. "Ah, gumbo, the girls will be thrilled! No running in the house!" Klaus barked when there was a thundering of small feet.

"A grievous offense not having a wedding feast," Kol rolled his eyes. "We were going to plan a proper wedding for you lot to attend along with half the world since apparently it's a thing."

"Really!?" Rebekah appeared then looking giddy.

"Yes," Davina admitted, she was still trapped arm and arm with Rebekah.

"Oh this is fantastic!" Rebekah squealed. "I obviously can't be maid of honor but we're dress shopping!"

"I heard dress shopping!" Monique appeared "What are we shopping for!?"

"A wedding dress for Davina!"

"I heard something about a wedding dress for Davina," Hayley appeared then.

"I'm apparently getting married, again," Davina looked bewildered as the girls smiled devious.

"Excellent," Elijah appeared at Kol's shoulder then. "I believe now is the better time to discuss the bride's price and dowery," he smiled menacingly.

"Oh bloody hell, No!" Kol pleaded.

"Bride price!?" Marcel strangled out.

"Tradition," Elijah remarked with a sharp smile at Kol who could feel the blood draining from his face at this humiliation.

"She's got to be worth at least double the silver of a standard bride price," Henrik quipped menacingly.

"I hate you," Kol growled as he glared at the younger man.

"Ah-ah, fair's fair!" Henrik cackled.

"Yes, I do suppose Davina is worth more than a mere eight ounces of silver," Elijah agreed.

"I'm not selling my daughter!" Marcel strangled out as he grabbed Davina tight against him.

"Nonsense, the money is for their future," Elijah dismissed. "We'll pay twenty ounces of silver for her, it is more than fair. About her dowry."

"I don't think they practice that now," Klaus mused. "But it would be good for her to possess a dowry, invest it for future witches they'll create."

"We are not having kids any time soon!" Kol and Davina strangled out together.

"Certainly," Klaus remarked dryly with an eye roll and good humored smile. "I do believe we'll find an agreeable sum to accept for her dowry, we can discuss that later."

"There is the matter of property too, of course they'll settle in New Orleans, but we'll agree to Kol keeping the property out here," Elijah mused.

"I'm keeping all my bloody property you swine! Noble my arse if you're trying to swindle me out of my houses and farms," Kol snarled at his brother.

"Ah, but there are the resources to provide for Davina, so that will make for an agreeable future," Finn informed them.

"Fuck off!" Kol snapped as he glared at his elder brothers.

"We will have to seek blessings from the old gods, but we do accept Davina's Catholism," Elijah mused. "I will have to go get grandfather's sword though for the ceremony, Kol will utilize Mikael's, we'll have to sharpen them."

"Oh, don't forget the rings!" Henrik quipped.

"Very good point, our brother has neglected that tradition, Davina, our apologies, Kol I raised you better!" Elijah abomished.

"Rings!?" Kol strangled out as he glared at his brother who was smiling mischeiviously.

"Not to worry, we will rectify that," Klaus declared smugly as he slung his arm around Kol's shoulders.


"Now wait a fucking minute!" Marcel started.

"The third Friday of April will work nicely I believe," Rebekah piped up. "And you hush, I've been waiting eight bloody years for my brother to pull his head out of his arse and get married, you'll accept the bride price and the wedding," Rebekah threatened Marcel who pouted as he jerked Davina out of Rebekah's reach.

"She's my baby girl, I'm not just handing her over!"

"Marcel she's marrying Kol," Rebekah growled.

"Do I get a say in my wedding to my husband?" Davina piped up.

"No!" every Mikaelson stated in unison as Klaus caught Kol's shoulder before he could escape. "Kol's wily nature has a habit of making him squeamish."

"HEY!" Kol barked only to glare at Klaus who was smiling menacingly.

"Oh please, if we hadn't found the box of important mortal papers you'd have never told us, and we are rectifying it. Keelin and Freya will be married in February, so April will be a lovely time for another wedding!"

"We wouldn't want to overshadow Freya and Keelin's own wedding!" Davina started.

"Nice try, but I'm enjoying this spectical," Keelin chuckled as she bounced Nik on her hip. "Besides, we might have it next Friday because everyone we want is here, and we have our dresses, and Kol can officiate, he did mention he was a priest."

"Seven hundred years ago!"

"I doubt you have fully released your power of matrimony," Freya mused. "Mikael wanted me to have the best day, and it was his dying wish."

"Oh fuck," Kol groused.

"So, will you marry Keelin and I?" Freya mused.

"Of course! I want my sister happy," Kol said earnestly.

"Good, he's getting married in April," Freya smiled.

"You dirty, dirty, sneaky liar," Kol growled.

"Excellent," Elijah mused. "We will have time to prepare two feasts, one for Freya and another for Kol."

"I'm...!" Kol started.

"Now that we have agreed on the third Friday of April of this coming year, how many shall we expect on Davina's side?"

"My side!?" Davina strangled out looking as overwhelmed and panicked as Kol felt.

"Not to worry, we'll obtain more information soon," Elijah dismissed.

"Now about Kol's hair," Klaus started.

"You're not coming near my hair!" Kol warned as he moved out of Klaus' reach.

"So boring, Kol," Henrik mused.

"I am not looking like you, you bloody convict!"

"I do not look like a convict!"

"You look hot," Monique purred as she came over to Henrik. "The tats look badass."

"Keep it in the bedroom," Finn muttered.

"You're just jealous because I got all the good looks," Henrik smiled menacingly.

"Thor save us, he's getting Kol's vanity," Rebekah muttered.

"Why not, we're the best looking of the ugly mugs I see," Kol shrugged. Rebekah threw a stuffed animal at him, which he ducked so it hit Finn in the face.

"So we're in agreement, wedding on the third Friday of April?" Elijah asked.

"You're not going to let Davina and I have a say in this are you?" Kol asked dryly.

"No. You've stalled long enough," Klaus decided.

"You're not marrying that lunatic, Lil D!" Marcel insisted.

"I already married him!" Davina reminded her dad.

"My heart!" Marcel cried out dramatically as he clutched his heart and staggered from Davina.

"Love, I think you just killed the famous Marcellus Gerard," Kol informed her.

"I didn't kill him!" Davina huffed. "And I have gumbo so let's eat before somehow, I end up being kidnapped for weird Viking rituals for a bride!"

"We haven't had good bride running in over a millennium!" Klaus declared gleefully.

"Will you truly officiate Keelin and I's wedding?" Freya asked as Davina escaped for the kitchen.

"Yes," he answered. "Freya, we might never be the best siblings, but I want you happy, if you desire me to officiate the wedding I will."

"Thank you," she smiled. "Finn already agreed to give me away, and we're all here, and I just, I want use while it's just us."

"Of course," he nodded. "The Skulk is still at the inn, so they will also be here for the wedding," he pointed out.

"Yes, they will," she chuckled softly. "Are you and Davina... happy?"

"Yes, are you and Keelin?"

"Yeah," she nodded with a soft smile. "I wish we were better at the brother sister thing though," she admitted.

"You have Finn, Freya," he pointed out.

"Finn isn't you, Kol," she sighed.

"You were never going to have me Freya, I'm not the brother you wanted, and I don't conform to what you believe a brother should be, that's just facts," Kol shrugged. "I'll be happy to officiate the wedding."

"Thank you," she smiled as they walked into the kitchen. Kol nodded as the family settled for dinner and time hearing of Rebekah's plans for his wedding. Kol was vastly intimidated his sister had an actual binder of things for his wedding; which had Henrik and Monique laughing informing him Rebekah had a different binder for them. Freya confessed Rebekah had single handedly planned all of her own wedding, until Freya had just changed her mind for a family wedding. Caroline didn't help because she joined in with her own ideas and organization and Kol was sure he and Davina would have an entire wedding planned before the month was out.


Davina was sitting in Rebekah's kitchen, Kol had hared off with Henrik and Monique, Alizée and Vérène, Elijah had gone home with Hayley and the girls, Hope included, Klaus and Caroline had darted off for a night child free, Marcel was putting the boys to sleep, Finn had taken Sage and Landon to his home, Freya and Keelin had taken Nik with them to go to Finn's. Now it was just Davina and Rebekah sitting quietly in the kitchen.

"So you and Kol have decided against children?" Rebekah asked softly. They both could hear Marcel walking around with Louis as he read Harry Potter to the boys.

"For now," Davina admitted. "I think we'll have them eventually, but... it wasn't a good time before and we still have Malivore, and we just... not right now," she said softly.

"It is wise to have children when you are ready, and it is responsible," Rebekah admitted.

"You didn't wait," Davina pointed out.

"Darling, I waited a thousand years for children, I wasn't going to wait any longer," Rebekah chuckled. "I did, on occasion, ponder adopting a child from time to time in my millennium."

"Why didn't you?"

"Single mothers were rarely well received in time, and I would not want a child I love to suffer because I could not provide it with a father."

"If Kol and I hadn't found a way to undo your curse," Davina started.

"I would've adopted, with Marcel, he had been the one to point out that our pairing would not be as... challenging, and he already adopted you, and Hayley, and he was adopted. His father of heart is forever Klaus, and they share no blood between them, or rather they didn't. And Finn and Sage have provided Landon with a loving home and happy life, which he needed, they've been discussing adopting again," Rebekah informed her. "When it became clear I could be a mother, through other means, and realistically be a mother, I was researching adoption. In fact, I still might adopt, there are orphaned witches and werewolves in need of a loving home where they can be safe and understood."

"I didn't know," Davina admitted.

"Of course, you didn't, darling," she chuckled. "You were seventeen, Davina, I was not going to discuss the matter with Marcel's daughter when she was still figuring out what she wanted."

"But you're discussing it with me now?" Davina asked softly.

"Only because my brother's wife asked," Rebekah chuckled.

"Were you... were you, scared, after the miscarriage?" Davina asked softly.

"Of a great many things," Rebekah admitted. "I was scared my body was cursed how mother's was, I was scared my mother was haunting me, I was terrified I would have to lose my child again, I had nightmares for months, I was hurt by the failure of my body. And it was a failure of my body, Davina, I took no curse, I did not put myself in danger, my body just, did not accept the child."

"Why'd you..."

"Because for as much as it pained me to feel that loss, the idea of never trying to build a family hurt far more," Rebekah admitted. "Also, Marcel was fantastic about helping me through grief, and I helped him, and we decided we wanted to try again, and we had Étienne."

"I don't... I don't think Kol and I are ready to be that responsible," Davina whispered honestly. "I don't think we were when if was just... just found out, and I think we'd have agreed on that if we had talked. So I don't think... I don't think we'd have a child now or soon."

"And that is alright," Rebekah assured. "Children are not the bringers of happy marriages or success, Davina. Marriages, they are work between two people committed to one another, parenthood is the work of two people determined to raise a new life, a life which will have their own mind, their own thoughts, their own views, and that life will bring you joys you cannot measure and pains and headaches."

"Everyone always talks like a baby is a fix," Davina admitted.

"They aren't," Rebekah said firmly. "And it's okay to wait."

"Thank you," Davina smiled a bit as Rebekah clasped her hand.

"Of course," Rebekah smiled. "But just so you are aware, I will need a maternal dress for your wedding."

"You're... again!?" Davina sputtered.

"Yes, almost two months," Rebekah smiled.

"You just had Louis!" Davina gaped.

"Oh, I'm aware, this was an accident."

"This is great! It is great, right?" Davina asked curiously.

"It is," Rebekah chuckled. "I did say I wanted a baseball team, or a football team of children."

"I get another sibling!" Davina giggled.

"Yes," Rebekah smiled softly.

"I'm so happy for you!" Davina smiled.

"I wanted you to know first so... so there was no harsh surprise," Rebekah informed her gently.

"I'm surprised," Davina said. "But this is great!"

"Thank you," Rebekah chuckled. "When you're ready, Davina, I will be happy to talk to you about having a baby, and so will Freya, and Hayley."

"Thank you," Davina whispered.

"Of course, us girls have to stick together."

"Isn't it early to be sharing the pregnancy?" Davina asked Rebekah.

"No," she smiled a bit sadly. "Monique helped confirm it, but there's... and I can't explain it, but there's a way the magic feels as it blooms in me, I'm not a witch, Davina, so I feel it, and I feel it when it and I are tied together strongly. My daughters' they never feel... strong, their magic, but my sons, they always feel like building rivers in a sense. It starts out small, little trickles of magic, but it is so steady as it builds, I feel them. My daughters, their magic it is like ice melting though, and I feel it slipping away and I can't stop it, I feel them withering away. So, this one's magic, it feels like Étienne's, Rémy's and Louis' so I think it's a boy and I think it's safe to share them."

"Mikaelsons and water!" Davina chuckled.

"Yes, well, we did go Viking, and sailing, and exploring, the oceans, rivers, and storms are in our blood as surely as ice, snow and glaciers," she mused.

"Does Marcel know?"

"Not yet, I'm telling him on Christmas," Rebekah smiled ruefully.

"He's going to be so excited!"

"He does love being a father," Rebekah chuckled. "By the way, we are hosting Christmas at Kol's house, you'll have to persuade Kol to agree."

"I'll get him on board," Davina promised.

"Good, the entire family would rather be at his house than in the village for the holiday."

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