58. Back To School Nerves pt. 2

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A/n: Thank you so so so much to @Yadeelbooks123 for the idea to write this! I got switched out of that English class so I'm super happy right now. Also I'm writing this at six in the morning so I'm sorry if it comes out like crap. Let's pretend it's this past Thursday, the sixth. Okay, let's begin!

Wednesday, September 5th, was my first day back to college. My English professor seemed to be pretty strict. So strict that it made me nervous. She said that the only way that we could have an excused absence would be if we had jury duty. Even if we were in the hospital, the absence would not be excused. I talked to my boyfriend of three years, Shawn Mendes, about her, and he could tell that I was super nervous about the class.

"Baby, I have a question about your college classes." Shawn said as we sat down on the couch after breakfast to watch a show before he drives me to school.

"Sure, what's up?" I asked.

"Can you switch classes?" Shawn asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, you can drop a course and then add one." I said. Shawn thought for a moment.

"Can you switch out of your English class?" Shawn asked. "Because if you can, you should. I don't want you to be this worried about a class." Shawn said. I nodded.

"You're right. I'll talk to my advisor and see what I can do." I said. I ended up getting to school a half hour early thanks to my amazing boyfriend. I saw my friend Susie, who works there.

"Hey Y/n! Want to hang out in my office?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. Hey, Shawn and I talked and I want to switch out of that English course. Do you know of any good professors that are teaching English this semester?" I said and asked.

"Let's look online. If you can get Professor Clark, you're golden." She said. I sat down and nodded. I soon talked to my advisor and was switched into Professor Clark's class.

"Thank you so much Maria." I said to my advisor.

"You're very welcome." She said. I left her office and stepped outside to call Shawn.

"Hey honey, what's up?" He asked.

"I got switched out of that English class and put into a new one." I said.

"YESSS." Shawn yelled. I laughed.

"Yeah I'm pretty happy too." I said.

"As you should be. Now you don't have to deal with that strict professor." Shawn said. We talked for a little bit longer but I soon had to go to class.

"All right, bye babe." I said.

"Bye honey. I'll pick you up when you're done." Shawn said, and with that, we hung up. The next day was my first day with Professor Clark and I loved his class. I'm so glad that Shawn convinced me to switch classes.

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