Chapter 92 Divine Skills

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The quality of the fabric woven by Raina Grace is well-recognized within the Wood Alliance, and even though craftsmen cannot witness and follow Raina Grace's weaving process like the stewards can, they are eager to discover its secrets.

For teaching efficiency and confidentiality, not all craftsmen have the chance to be personally taught by Raina Grace. Choosing who gets this opportunity is a headache for the stewards.

Raina Grace, not being familiar with anyone or having personal connections, does not involve herself in these decisions. Since Raina Grace is an assistant to Luminous Harmony, the chief steward's opinion is critically important.

"Are all these really made by her?" Fortunately, the steward thoughtfully prepared some samples of Raina Grace's woven products, allowing Luminous Harmony to see the actual items for the first time. He knew Raina Grace was studying weaving but never realized she could produce such exquisite fabric.

"Yes, they are practically works of art. Truly worthy of being an assistant valued by Luminous Harmony; her craftsmanship is extraordinary," said the steward sincerely.

Initially, when Luminous Harmony insisted on assigning a girl brought back from the Prosperous Gathering to work in the alliance and introduced her as his assistant, everyone was skeptical, thinking it was some new "nurturing" gimmick. However, this girl could potentially become a significant asset to the alliance.

"But, fine weaving requires a strong understanding of the wood element, and her wood element..." Luminous Harmony stopped mid-sentence, realizing that if he didn't understand Raina Grace's capabilities, the steward would know even less. What he valued in her was not her elemental magnetic power but something else.

"So, I believe she has mastered some other technique that allows her to weave finely without relying much on the wood element. If this could be spread throughout the alliance, the textile industry would be revolutionized!" The steward had been fantasizing about a flourishing textile industry under his management, filled with excitement and enthusiasm.

Luminous Harmony sensed it wasn't that simple. The spirit of craftsmanship depends on talent and hard work; there's no simple "trick" that can offer a shortcut. "What does Raina Grace say? Has she mentioned anyone she's willing to teach?"

"She hasn't named anyone specifically," the steward replied honestly, "just mentioned that those with a better control of the wood element are needed. But as you know, most people in the Wood Alliance are either newly advanced or have little chance of further growth. Those with better control over the wood element have long joined the major families."

The steward glanced at Luminous Harmony, an individual who had maxed out his wood element but deliberately chose not to advance or leave. With his backing, the Wood Alliance had indeed become more stable and prosperous over the years.

"Let's choose some who have just advanced and show potential. It might greatly help their training in the wood element," suggested Luminous Harmony.

"But those people might not have much loyalty to the Wood Alliance. What if they learn and then leave for their families?" This was the steward's biggest concern.

As a steward, he naturally considered the interests of the alliance. Like him, those who had no possibility of advancing but had served in the alliance for a long time felt a strong sense of belonging. This was also why they respected Luminous Harmony and were willing to follow his lead.

"The Wood Alliance needs not loyalty but a relaxed and fair environment that fosters creativity. Technology and innovation cannot be imprisoned; doing so would only lead to stagnation. As long as we continue to innovate, we're not afraid of losing anything," Luminous Harmony explained. The skills of craftsmen and their elemental magnetic power complement each other. Since everyone desires to advance and achieve higher status, they will continuously refine their abilities.

People with skills naturally seek freedom. If the Wood Alliance can be a pleasant and relaxing stop on their journey, it will not be forgotten but remembered fondly as a haven of emotions.

With those capable individuals tied to the Wood Alliance by a web of gratitude and respect, the alliance's status would be secure, like the moon surrounded by stars.

However, choosing newly advanced craftsmen of the Wood Alliance was also a personal reason for Luminous Harmony, hoping to find students for Raina Grace who were passionate rather than just profit-oriented. Regardless, it would be her contribution and merit, possibly gaining some support in the process.

With Luminous Harmony's endorsement, the steward carefully selected craftsmen he believed had both the capability and potential to learn from Raina Grace. Thankfully, he did so, or it would have been uncertain how many could have learned even the basics. All techniques are the same; there are no shortcuts. However, not everyone is willing to understand this simple truth because they hope for magical ways to achieve success without effort or admit their lack of skill.

"Since you've agreed to teach us, don't hold back. Just hand over the techniques. You must have received some benefits, right? If we end up learning nothing, let's see how you'll explain it to the steward!"

"Maybe she doesn't need to explain to the steward at all, being the chief steward's assistant is enough, you understand."

Amid the laughter and jeers, a crisp and powerful voice said, "You all have experience in weaving. Don't you understand the power of the wood element? If you can't control the elemental magnetic power, it's not the teacher's fault."

But this was immediately countered, "If we understood how to control the wood element, why would we need her teaching? Clearly, she's a water domain person with little wood element, pretending to be an expert to teach us?"

"It's ridiculous. She has clearly demonstrated the power of the wood element before your eyes, creating such exquisite textiles, and yet you refuse to see the truth," the voice argued.

"Who are you? What makes you think it's the wood element at work and not some other secret she's unwilling to teach us?"

"Some other secret? Divine skills, perhaps?" the person laughed loudly. "We of the Horizontally family have traveled far and wide, seen various magical elemental magnetic forces and related products, but never encountered any effortless divine skills."

Hearing she was from the Horizontally family, the mocking crowd fell silent, with a few particularly loud individuals leaving in a huff, either out of fear or disdain.

The remaining individuals, some of whom had been sincerely learning from the start, now took the teaching even more seriously, allowing Raina Grace's instruction to proceed smoothly.

The Horizontally family member who had defended Raina Grace stayed until the end, waiting until she had finished teaching before preparing to leave with the others.

Raina Grace quickly caught up to him, "Thank you for helping me out just now, Miss."

She turned and nodded at Raina Grace, "I can't stand those who think they're the best in the world with just a little skill, looking down on everyone else. I was just stating the truth; you don't need to worry about it. But your fabric, it's truly unique and demonstrates real skill."

Raina Grace had interacted with the Horizontally family in the warehouse before and knew they were amiable, treating even the lowest members of the Wood Alliance with kindness and respect, a rarity in her experience.

But this sincere and straightforward person, unlike anyone she had met except Luminous Harmony, intrigued her even more, making her less guarded and more curious. "My name is Raina Grace; I work here in the Wood Alliance," she introduced herself, hoping to learn more about him.

As she expected, the woman politely responded, "My name is Horizontina, responsible for the textile supply and demand in the Sky Domain. We'll probably see each other often."

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