Chapter 166 The Hexagram

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Raina Grace and Willow Wood had vanished without a trace. Flame Wave's heart sank, almost certain Willow Wood was behind it all. Just as they let their guard down after a safe return from the abyss, Willow Wood had isolated everyone to target Raina Grace alone. Flame Wave wondered what Willow Wood needed her for and whether she was suffering.

"Why weren't you watching her? You knew Willow Wood was trouble!" Flicker Shadow lashed out, questioning Flame Wave.

Flame Wave first suspected Jadelle, who had sought him out alone: "Was approaching me a hint from Willow Wood?" Logic told him Jadelle might just be being used, as she would now face the terrifying wrath of both Flame Wave and Flicker Shadow.

"Isn't it obvious? You fell for their trick!" Flicker Shadow angrily grabbed Jadelle's arm, "You witch, tell us where you've taken Raina Grace!"

Jadelle, in pain and terror, looked pleadingly at Flame Wave: "I don't know, I really don't. Willow Wood never shared his plans with me. He just kept blaming me for not being like a Sky Whisper, for being cowardly and siding with humans."

Flame Wave's gaze on Jadelle was complex: "So you came to confide in me?"

Jadelle nodded vigorously: "I felt so terrible, I needed to talk to someone. I remembered we were locked up together, and you knew about my identity but didn't despise me, so..."

"So you decided to target him?" Flicker Shadow disgustedly pushed Jadelle away, "A pair of traitors."

Flame Wave frowned: "If all you're going to do is violently attack everyone indiscriminately, I suggest you take Lightning and search the area again for any overlooked clues."

Flicker Shadow had already searched the vicinity to no avail. He knew his current state was irrational for finding Raina Grace, but seeing Flame Wave's calm, even cold demeanor, only fueled his frustration, torn between grief for Raina Grace and himself. After a scornful laugh, he left the room that belonged to Raina Grace and Flame Wave.

Flicker Shadow's bitter laugh deeply wounded Flame Wave, who closed his eyes and took a deep breath, taking a moment to regain his composure. Time was of the essence; regret and blame had to wait if they were to have any chance of finding Raina Grace.

Flame Wave realized he had underestimated Willow Wood. With Flicker Shadow too impulsive and Jadelle too obtuse, how could he extract more useful information? From Jadelle's descriptions, Willow Wood had been making almost precise calculations, manipulating everyone's emotions and timing perfectly to achieve his goals.

"Please try to remember, was there anything unusual about Willow Wood's actions?" Flame Wave pressed Jadelle, "Don't let Flicker Shadow's scare tactics affect you. If he returns without any leads, he might be even angrier, and I won't be able to protect you."

Jadelle, chosen as a leader among the Sky Whispers, was not foolish. She understood Flame Wave was threatening her; any slight bond they had couldn't outweigh the importance of the girl, and now it wasn't just about a fingertip; Jadelle too feared Raina Grace, likely taken to the abyss by Willow Wood, might never return.

"He often sat alone, seemingly disinterested in everything, so I didn't bother him much," Jadelle began, trying hard to recall, "But these past few days, he seemed to be drawing something..."

"Drawing? Where?" Flame Wave sensed its importance.

"He was just gesturing with his fingers on the table, not actually drawing," Jadelle gestured vaguely, "It seemed like a star shape, I only have a faint memory."

Flame Wave paid close attention, having Jadelle repeat the gesture several times before drawing it himself, until Jadelle's memories became confused, unsure of what she was describing. Finally, Flame Wave drew a hexagram, "Is this what you saw?"

"Yes, that's it!" Jadelle was amazed at how Flame Wave managed to reconstruct Willow Wood's mysterious symbol based on her disjointed descriptions and gestures as if he had seen it himself.

"Could it really be this?" Flame Wave had seen the symbol on the spaceship's control panel.

Just then, Flicker Shadow returned, grinding his teeth: "The passage to the abyss is closed. I couldn't find the original entrance."

"So, he must have returned to the abyss..." While Flame Wave had anticipated Raina Grace might be in the abyss, he didn't expect her to be at that obvious location. The closure of that entrance suggested Willow Wood was cautious, perhaps fearing discovery.

Flicker Shadow thought the same, realizing an attempt to blindly chase into the abyss was futile, and instead chose to try from a familiar entrance. Now that it was sealed, his only option was to directly breach the abyss: "I plan to descend from the abyssal fissures, hoping to find the original passage."

"Go ahead," Flame Wave decided swiftly, "I'll arrange for Celestial Balance Fortress guards to be stationed around the abyss for support."

"What about you?" Flicker Shadow asked coldly.

Holding the hexagram, Flame Wave spoke with difficulty: "I must return to City of Benevolence to find Aurum Aspire. I suspect Raina Grace's disappearance might be linked to him, or rather, to human technology."

"Technology?" Flicker Shadow understood the words but not their combined meaning, "What are you talking about?"

"Raina Grace vanished so completely under my watch, as if by magic. Only human technology could achieve that," Flame Wave explained, sensing Flicker Shadow's anxiety, "And the clues Willow Wood left point directly to the human spaceship. I believe there's a connection."

Despite the daunting prospect of dealing with Aurum Aspire and the incomprehensible technology of the spaceship, Flame Wave was determined. His greatest fear wasn't the obstacles but the possibility that Raina Grace might not survive until help arrived.

Unable to bear further thought or delay, Flame Wave resolved to act: "I'll summon White Falcon and head to City of Benevolence now. I'll leave this place in your care. Please help arrange for my people when they're in position."

White Falcon had been loitering in Verdant Thistle Forest since arriving in the Surface Domain, which is why it could appear in time when Flame Wave was in dire straits. As Flame Wave's iconic mount, it was immediately surrounded by elite troops sent by the Prime Minister upon arrival at the water's edge, claiming to "escort" Lord Silver Wolf to meet the Prime Minister.

Flame Wave cooperated fully, his sole focus on Aurum Aspire's potential assistance for Raina Grace, willing to comply with any formality if it meant finding help.

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