Chapter 67 The Fierce Poison of Passion

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"I've seen it before," Raina said seriously, although her eyes flickered with unease, "I just haven't touched it."

Flicker Shadow knew she was referring to their encounters with mating wild animals in the forest. "Humans are animals too, and following nature in this way is natural. Do you want me to teach you?"

Flicker Shadow had taught her various survival skills in the jungle, but this matter, Raina instinctively felt was not right, "Isn't this instinctual? Do you need to be taught?"

Arlinwood had told her that animals mate to reproduce, indeed a natural law.

Flicker Shadow, struggling with intense desire, felt like he was about to explode, but Raina was there, methodically explaining things to him. Some things need teaching, but this does not.

Indeed, it was instinct, although Flicker Shadow himself had no experience. But in the valley, such matters were common and easily resolved, so the Free People didn't find anything special or important about it. If they saw Flicker Shadow's current behavior, they would surely laugh at him.

But Flicker Shadow felt he couldn't, couldn't just press Raina down like a wild beast. He cherished her feelings so much, not wanting her to be the slightest bit unhappy, especially regarding this matter.

He let go of her dejectedly, grabbed his clothes from the ground, and haphazardly draped them on, "I'm done washing, I'm leaving."

As he passed by Raina, she suddenly reached out and grabbed him.

"What's wrong?" Flicker Shadow didn't turn around.

"Flicker Shadow, is your body okay now?" Raina asked from behind.

"It's okay, should be no big deal," Flicker Shadow answered.

"That's great! You scared me to death." Raina was still shaken. "It's so good that you can still be with me." She gently hugged Flicker Shadow from behind, just as he often did to her.

Flicker Shadow often made intimate gestures towards Raina, instinctively pulling her, embracing her, and sometimes even lifting her up, but Raina had never initiated closeness with him.

The tender words and affectionate actions made Flicker Shadow's body sweat profusely and his blood boil.

He picked up Raina and stepped back into the pool, "I suddenly sweated a lot, let's wash together." He said, suppressing his urge towards Raina. Raina obediently nodded and entered the pool. As she moved away from Flicker Shadow to undress, he pulled her back, "Let me help you," and then tore open her simple white robe.

"Ah!" Raina exclaimed, "Why are you tearing my clothes?" Her clothes were precious, and she took great care of them.

"You forgot, I kept these clothes for you. Without me, you wouldn't have any clothes to wear," Flicker Shadow said.

Though that was true, Raina frowned unhappily, "You're being too rough."

"Sorry, I'll be gentler." Flicker Shadow immediately slowed down, gently peeling the torn robe off Raina and dropping it to the ground.

When both stood naked before each other, Raina suddenly felt something was amiss, a sense of panic and shame spreading. She tightly hugged herself and submerged into the water, complaining softly to Flicker Shadow, "What are you looking at? Am I not as strong as you?"

Flicker Shadow approached her, and Raina, feeling pressured, retreated until she was backed against the pool wall. She tried to push him away, "How can I wash if you're so close?"

Flicker Shadow seized her hand, gently kissing and licking each finger. Raina, trembling, tried to pull away, "Flicker Shadow, what are you doing?"

"Can't you see? I'm eating you." Flicker Shadow said, leaning towards Raina and wrapping his arms around her waist.

At this moment, Flicker Shadow pressed closely against Raina, her body startled by his hard muscles and bones. But Flicker Shadow held her tightly, leaving her no room to move; whether from fear or panic, she felt powerless and leaned weakly against his chest.

Flicker Shadow didn't give her even that bit of freedom. He hooked her chin, forcing her weak head up, locking her with his shining eyes — ablaze with red flames — firmly capturing her like prey he was determined to have.

However, his gaze was different, the sharpness turned into tender affection, weaving a strong and intricate web, leaving Raina with no escape.

Raina's trembling eyelashes and the flickering light in her eyes intoxicated Flicker Shadow. He wished she would open her eyes wide, drowning him in that pure blue; and yet he also wanted her to keep them half-closed, paralyzing him with such frailty and pity.

He kissed her eyelashes, not allowing any emotion that might arise there to disturb his resolve. "Don't be afraid, Raina, I won't hurt you."

How could he say it wasn't hurtful? Raina felt crushed like never before, like a small animal trapped in a snare, nowhere to run. Her slight attempts to escape were easily foiled by Flicker Shadow, as she was pulled back into his private space filled with masculine scent, at his mercy.

Flicker Shadow, on the other hand, felt entirely different. The tender, boneless creature in his arms, her timid cries and breaths, her soft skin and limbs, were not a net, but a willing longing, an inseparable attachment, and an insatiable obsession.

From the hot spring to the bed, and later to the dense forest and grass, whenever Flicker Shadow got the chance, he never let it pass.

Exhausted by his constant attention, Raina one day asked him if it was due to the toxin from the colorful spider.

The colorful spider's toxin? Flicker Shadow didn't think so.

This wasn't the toxin of a colorful spider, but clearly the "Raina toxin." As long as he stayed by Raina's side, the toxin flared up; but when he went out hunting, no such abnormal behavior occurred.

So when Raina asked him about it, he just shook his head, then kissed her incessant mouth, assuring her there was no toxin, that he would try to control himself a bit more, but that promise was almost immediately forgotten.

After several days of unrestrained indulgence, Raina finally had a chance to study the spider silk she had brought back. It was a bit strange, capable of separating mixed elemental magnetic forces, and she wanted to see if there were any secrets inside.

Flicker Shadow saw Raina holding a roll of translucent silk, faintly glowing in five colors, quite pretty: "What's this?"

Raina handed it to him: "It's the colorful spider silk that was wrapped around you. I wanted to see if there was anything special about it, but it doesn't seem to show anything from the outside. I wanted to unravel it, but it's too tough. Can you see if there's a way to break it?"

"This is the spider silk?" Flicker Shadow remembered how he was unable to move when he was bound by it, nearly dying. Now it seemed innocently beautiful.

Though the spider silk had caused him suffering and almost led to his death, it also brought him and Raina to where they were today. So, he didn't hate it, rather, he found it meaningful.

"Why don't we keep it as it is, since it's so pretty? How about I make it into a necklace for you? We can even add your Blue Phoenix eggshell to it," Flicker Shadow suggested, testing the silk's strength and elasticity, "This thing is tough and flexible; maybe you can use it as a weapon someday."

Raina felt uncomfortable, "But, this silk's owner—the colorful spider—was probably killed by me. Should we use its remains like this?"

Flicker Shadow didn't see a problem, "Then it's your trophy, right? That's a good omen."

It was the tradition of the Free People and the law of the forest. Raina didn't want to be overly sentimental, and indeed, she hadn't found a proper place to keep her Blue Phoenix eggshell. Making it into a necklace to wear seemed like a good idea.

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