Chapter 48 Snow and Hot Spring

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In the Verdant Thistle Forest, numerous fierce beasts acted as steadfast guardians of the wilderness. The towering trees with their widespread branches shielded against the intrusion of unfamiliar humans.

Predators lurked and battled. The rustling of leaves might signal the approach of deadly snakes, and distant roars of wild beasts sent chills down one's spine. Yet, the sweet aroma of wild fruits wafted freely in the air, mingling with the musky scents of various creatures.

Despite the dangers, the forest floor teemed with life. Insects busied themselves, lizards scurried through the underbrush, and plants grew unreservedly.

Fortunately, for the Terra Grove tribe, the forest was their homeland, an extension of their ancient domains, providing them with absolute dominance and control.

It was a stroke of luck for Raina Grace to share WeeStick's innate privilege of not being harassed by wild beasts. However, she still had to figure out on her own how to survive in the forest. Frequent falls taught her how to walk.

The Verdant Thistle Forest, with its unfathomable depths, offered Raina much to learn and explore. Her daily life was filled with growth and curiosity, keeping her spirited and tireless.

"So this is snow?" Raina marveled, "Is it also made of water? Lighter and whiter than rain, it's incredible!"

Arlinwood smiled at the white world around them, from the forest to the distant mountains, all blanketed in soft snowflakes. The fresh, cold air seemed to invigorate the body with every breath.

Snowflakes danced in the air as Raina ran through the snow. They landed gently on the withered treetops, accumulating until the branches could no longer bear the weight, then fell in swathes to the ground.

The sound of falling snow brought a unique tranquility to the forest. Arlinwood immersed herself in the beautiful scenery, seemingly forgetting the passage of time. She felt the power and beauty of life, with all worries dissipating in this moment.

"We're lucky you found this hot spring. Otherwise, winter in the Verdant Thistle Forest wouldn't be this romantic. We'd freeze to death."

Months ago, when Raina and WeeStick followed the Azure Phoenix's path out of the abyss, they passed this small hot spring with water and a flat area of land. Raina decided it would be their foothold in the forest, bringing Arlinwood here.

 Raina decided it would be their foothold in the forest, bringing Arlinwood here

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"Sadly, I still don't know how to build a house. It's drafty and leaks..." Raina lamented, looking at the makeshift shelter she had built with difficulty.

Arlinwood, unable to help much, credited Raina for their humble dwelling. "We don't have tools or strength," she sighed. "Building houses has always been a task for the men in the tribe."

WeeStick's elemental magnetic force was their only tool, capable of cutting branches, digging soil, and picking fruits. Raina felt strong, but her use of elemental magnetic force paled compared to WeeStick's.

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