Chapter 49 Black Panther Lightning

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In the Verdant Thistle Forest, the air was perpetually dense and humid, making Flicker Shadow's skin sticky under his beast skin attire. The forest floor was soft yet resilient, blanketed with thick wet leaves and decaying plant matter, entangled with vines and thorny bushes.

Flicker Shadow moved with alertness and stealth through the underbrush, like a wild beast, yet he was unafraid. It was here, in the heart of the forest, that he felt truly alive.

Survival was the first rule of life in the wilderness. The forest concealed dangers in every corner, and a single mistake could mean the difference between life and death. Flicker Shadow's movements were light and alert, almost merging with the jungle, becoming the hunter and sometimes the hunted.

Even the most skilled warriors could become prey in this wild. One day, Flicker Shadow unwittingly entered the territory of a black panther.

The panther sat on a branch, muscles tensed, eyes filled with hostility, watching him. Its sleek body was covered in black fur that shimmered with a deep luster, reminiscent of lightning in the dark night. Its powerful claws gripped the tree firmly, ready to pounce on its prey at any moment.

Despite encountering various beasts, Flicker Shadow had never felt such a palpable threat. Being under the panther's gaze sent a chill down his spine.

Flicker Shadow had no desire to engage in a deadly battle. The panther seemed more defensive than aggressive, so he slowly raised his empty hands in a non-threatening gesture and backed away.

After exiting the panther's territory, Flicker Shadow realized how tense his muscles were, more fatigued than after a real hunt. He hoped never to encounter the panther again.

However, fate had other plans. A few days later, while chasing a deer, he accidentally trespassed into the panther's domain again.

This time, the panther was locked in combat with a giant scorpion.

The scorpion was fast and strong, while the panther was agile with deadly claws. The panther dodged the scorpion's attacks while waiting for the right moment to strike with its powerful paws.

The intense battle shook the entire forest, causing trees and bushes to collapse, and small animals to flee in panic. Flicker Shadow was awestruck by the fight, knowing that only the strongest, most agile, and most resilient creatures could survive in the jungle.

After several blows, the scorpion looked battered, its movements slowing down, barely hanging on to life. The panther sat down, panting and licking its wounded paws, casting a glance at Flicker Shadow, who had been watching from a distance.

Recognizing Flicker Shadow as the human who had surrendered a few days ago, the panther seemed indifferent, perhaps too exhausted from the battle to bother with a harmless creature

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Recognizing Flicker Shadow as the human who had surrendered a few days ago, the panther seemed indifferent, perhaps too exhausted from the battle to bother with a harmless creature.

As the panther turned to leave, the dying scorpion suddenly leapt up, stinging the panther's back. The panther roared in pain, tearing the scorpion apart, but the venom had already begun to take effect. Struggling to walk, the panther soon lost balance and fell.

At that moment, a series of delicate cries came from behind the panther. A small panther cub stumbled over, circling its mother's limp body and whimpering mournfully. The mother panther tenderly licked the cub's head, slower and slower, until she no longer had the strength.

In her last moments, she looked towards Flicker Shadow, the luster in her eyes gradually fading. The cub nestled under its mother's belly, whining for a while before settling into a quiet sleep.

The forest returned to its peaceful state, accustomed to the cycles of life and death, growth and decay.

Flicker Shadow stayed until the cub noticed another presence. The little panther tried to wake its mother, to no avail. It then turned its innocent yet fierce eyes towards Flicker Shadow, attempting to scare him away like its mother would have, but it was in vain.

With a sigh, Flicker Shadow approached the cub, ignoring its feeble attempts to bite and scratch, and picked it up. "Come with me. Hopefully, you'll be more useful than you are now. From today, your name is 'Lightning.'"


In the Verdant Thistle Forest, Raina Grace often lost herself in the unpredictable seasons and weather, feeling as if she were in an endless sea. Regardless of calm or turbulent waters, she was at ease, harmonizing with nature in every breath.

WeeStick was also comfortable, despite being frequently tasked by Raina to gather fruits and dig up roots, taking pride in being useful.

Only Arlinwood was not doing well. Her health was deteriorating. Despite Raina's efforts to supplement her diet with eggs foraged from birds' nests, Arlinwood continued to age.

Arlinwood, nearing two hundred years old, accepted death as an inevitable end. No matter how desperately one clings to life or hones their ability to harness elemental magnetic force, death is inescapable.

Over the past three years, the toxins in Arlinwood's body had mostly been removed by elemental magnetic force. Raina was right; finding the correct method allowed elemental magnetic force to condense into a "spirit" within the body. The eyes were the external manifestation of this "spirit."

The internal form of the spirit was a "field," a protective mechanism for humans living in an environment of elemental magnetic force. Those with a harmonious "spirit field" possessed high intelligence, strength, and significantly extended lifespan.

"I realized too late," Arlinwood sighed, "but I've done many things others wouldn't dare to dream of. That's enough for me."

Raina thought of Granny Rain

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Raina thought of Granny Rain. If Granny Rain conveyed wisdom through her calm and tranquil nature, then Arlinwood narrated a life rich with passion, showing Raina that life could have deeper meanings beyond mere existence. This was a vast world, larger and more mysterious than the Verdant Thistle Forest and the Surface Domain combined, a realm of spirit and possibly civilization.

"I have two greatest fortunes and two biggest regrets in my life. Do you want to know them, Raina?"

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