Chapter 10 Temporary Refuge in the Waters

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Granny Rain lay in the small cottage she had lived in for almost a lifetime, using her frail body to maintain consciousness, trying her best not to slip into a coma.

She needed to think, to reflect on her life and ponder the future path for Raina Grace.

Her life had been humble and pitiful, with meager strength and an unremarkable existence. Nothing of great importance ever occurred, nor did she have powerful connections to rely on.

The happiest moments were all concentrated before she turned fifteen. Although the environment wasn't ideal, growing up in the City of Benevolence, where the laws of the jungle were strict, she never lacked food or clothing.

A group of children, like savages, competed for resources and formed alliances. Each one was opportunistic, yet the City of Benevolence had strict laws against harm and killing, along with surveillance, so bloody conflicts were rare. Safety was assured.

Moreover, these idle children would be friendly with one today and play with another tomorrow. In this coming and going, they often formed a few stable companionships, even friendships.

The feeling of having friends was wonderful, a feeling Granny Rain always cherished.

Although she was ultimately betrayed by a friend, it wasn't the reason for her enduring loneliness. It wasn't because she found solace in solitude; rather, making friends was a matter of fate—just like adopting Raina Grace. It was luck, an opportunity that couldn't be forced.

Friendship between friends was like joyful droplets of water, leaping and nourishing the heart, filling it to the brim every day with cheerful tinkling sounds.

Being with friends was like two streams colliding and converging, creating larger waves and joyful splashes, filled with more strength. Without friends, it felt like a light rain trickling into her heart, gradually swelling into a water realm, a buildup of anticipation for the next meeting.

That's why every time Raina Grace spoke of her friends in the Endless Sea and how happy she was there, Granny Rain couldn't bear to stop her.

Granny Rain vividly remembered her two best friends from childhood – they had promised to never part. They all shared the same surname: Rain Forest, Rain Leaf, and Rain Cherry.

Rain Forest was a strong, silent boy; Rain Leaf, adventurous and hardly like a girl; and Rain Cherry, timid and easily content, feeling happiest with the company and protection of Rain Forest and Rain Leaf.

Yes, she was once called Rain Cherry, a name long forgotten and replaced by Granny Rain. Born with a wood element detected through elemental magnetic force testing, she was named "Cherry". Rain Forest and Rain Leaf were similar. The three of them became friends through luck and fate.

 The three of them became friends through luck and fate

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But what caused their separation?

Was it because Rain Leaf's curiosity about the "upper class" life in West Temple led to her stumbling upon a secret and getting caught? Or was it because Rain Forest tried to save someone by deceiving some strong children and got brutally beaten and nearly died from his injuries? Or was it because Granny Rain, finding no help anywhere, met a kind sister who gave her spiritual medicine and a magical instrument, allowing her to successfully rescue Rain Leaf and Rain Forest?

In truth, those incidents were just the beginning, the spark that led them to the same inevitable separation.

"Granny, are you awake?" Raina Grace entered with a bowl of soup, surprised and delighted to see her awake.

"Granny, are you awake?" Raina Grace entered with a bowl of soup, surprised and delighted to see her awake

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The poor child had been frantic these past few days. Her usually plump cheeks had thinned, her fragile state making her look more delicate and pitiable.

In Granny Rain's eyes, Raina Grace had always been soft and gentle, like a well-watered lotus. But now, she resembled a trembling, budding lotus, no longer the chubby, endearing child she used to be.

Granny Rain felt a pang of heartache and tried to sit up, but her strength failed, and she fell back.

"Granny, be careful!" Raina Grace exclaimed, rushing to support her. "Just tell me what you need. You must rest; please don't scare me again."

The memory of finding Granny Rain floating motionless in the Endless Ocean two days ago, and the lightness of her body when she lifted her, haunted Raina Grace, causing her nightmares.

She lay gently on Granny Rain, her voice trembling: "Granny, you scared me so much. It's all my fault; I won't go to the ocean again. Please, be alright."

Granny Rain stroked Raina Grace's head lovingly: "It's Granny's fault for being so weak, making you save me. Don't worry, I'm fine."

Raina Grace looked up, her eyes filled with worry: "Really? You seem different, smaller, like... " She couldn't finish, seeing how pale and frail Granny Rain had become, curled up in bed, seemingly drained of all strength.

People of the Elemental Magnetic Star didn't fall ill; they usually died of old age if not killed suddenly. Granny Rain was simply at the end of her life. But Raina Grace was only twelve – what would become of her?

"Granny is old, and such things naturally happen. Do you understand, Raina? Just like I've always told you," Granny Rain didn't want to hide the truth, fearing the suddenness of her departure would be too much for Raina Grace.

Raina Grace burst into tears: "Is it like the lotus leaves that wither in the cold season? Can you grow back next year?"

"Silly child, you know that's not possible, right?" Granny Rain smiled. "But there will always be lotus leaves, flowers, roots, growing and dying year after year. That's the cycle of life."

"But they're not you, Granny!" Raina Grace cried, pleading, "Please don't leave me. I won't go to the Endless Ocean again."

Granny Rain shook her head with a smile: "You should go; it's your favorite place, with your friends. Raina, think of the vast ocean and the world – that's where you belong. Granny is just a temporary marsh where you've stopped for a while. How can you give up the ocean for a mere marsh?"

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