Chapter 185 The Ice Crystal Worm

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After being forced out, the ice crystal worm remained trapped in Flicker Shadow's elemental magnetic net, obediently staying within his palm. Raina Grace leaned in for a closer look, marveling, "I didn't expect it to be so lifelike and beautiful, like it's made of ice crystals."

The body of the ice crystal worm was crystal clear, with horns on its head and four claws underneath, truly resembling a miniature dragon. What was more remarkable was the brilliant ring of fire that occasionally emerged from its head, slowly gliding down its body before disappearing at its tail. This ring of fire, pulsing like a heartbeat, cleverly interwove coldness and heat, stirring up mist and a soft hissing sound.

"It's strange, it's essentially an energy form that materialized from intangible to tangible. Why doesn't it just dematerialize and escape now?" Raina Grace wondered. She hadn't expected that a mere emanation of elemental magnetic power from the Ice and Fire Marsh could cause Flicker Shadow such tremendous pain and later materialize into such a peculiar, even adorable form. Is this real? Might it suddenly vanish again? If not for Flame Wave's caution, she would have been tempted to touch it herself.

Although Flame Wave was also attracted to the appearance of the ice crystal worm, he remained vigilant, "Maybe it can't change form again? At least, not so easily."

What facilitated its materialization? Was it Flicker Shadow's eye?

"Flicker Shadow, how did you think to use an elemental magnetic net to trap it?" Raina Grace was utterly fascinated by the worm. If not for the memory of Flicker Shadow's pain, she might have wondered if she should also try to cultivate a dragon in her eye.

Flicker Shadow gazed deeply at the worm, its existence like a tiny treasure chest containing the mysterious powers of the abyss or the Ice and Fire Marsh. He too wanted to uncover these secrets and share his findings, so he tried his best to recall and articulate his thoughts, "It dislikes the net but enjoys mingling elemental magnetic forces. The net was deliberately woven from five separate elements."

During the capture process, Flicker Shadow noticed elemental magnetic fluctuations around the ice worm, as if conveying some message. Even now, he could still feel this subtle energy flow, becoming even clearer.

However, Raina Grace and Flame Wave couldn't perceive the energy flow Flicker Shadow mentioned. "Could it be because it absorbed your elemental magnetic power, so only you can feel what it's transmitting...information?" Flame Wave speculated, based on Flicker Shadow's mystical insight.

"So, it can consume your elemental magnetic power, but is powerless against your 'specially' crafted elemental magnetic net?" Raina Grace found this reasonable, "So, it was initially an intangible energy form, but because it greedily consumed Flicker Shadow's elemental magnetic power, it became a tangible ice worm, eventually trapping itself within a net of similar elemental magnetic forces. Does this mean we could 'tame' it by continuously feeding it elemental magnetic power?"

"Whether it can be tamed or not, let's discuss that later," Flame Wave said helplessly, recalling Flicker Shadow's agony. If it were just to "tame" a worm, no one would want to endure such pain. "The current issue is how we can cross the Ice and Fire Marsh to reach beneath the canyon."

The key might lie with this worm. As they all watched it, they noticed it gradually stopped struggling, becoming calm, and even appeared to nod repeatedly at Flicker Shadow, as if pleading for mercy.

"What should I do with it now?" Flicker Shadow was somewhat at a loss.

"Uh, can you feel what it's saying?" Raina Grace thought it might be worth listening to the ice worm's opinion.

"I don't feel much..." Flicker Shadow started, then corrected himself, "Well, a little, but I don't understand. However, there's no hostility."

"Why don't you try to cross the Ice and Fire Marsh?" Flame Wave suggested, thinking it better to attempt something rather than stay stuck. "If you can cross, I'll try this method too."

Flicker Shadow hesitated, the untouchable pain in his eye, even for someone as tough as him, was unbearable, "You could try, but what about Raina Grace? I don't want her to endure that pain."

"I'll find a solution after trying," Flame Wave confidently believed he could find a more effective way without suffering like Flicker Shadow. Who knows, all hardships in life might actually be blessings, like this unique ice dragon, which could become a future asset.

"I have an idea," Raina Grace said, "Since the five-colored elemental magnetic net can block the ice worm, could it also prevent the invasion of the Ice and Fire Marsh? If we can use the elemental magnetic net to cover our eyes first, that might work."

"That sounds feasible. However, I must use all my strength for precise control," Flicker Shadow referred to his operation of forming an elemental magnetic net, "Leaving no energy to protect other parts of my body."

This was a problem; they couldn't afford to sacrifice one area for another. While the eyes needed special protection, other body parts also required coverage against the force of the Ice and Fire Marsh.

Flicker Shadow admitted his limitations, and Raina Grace and Flame Wave also tried but realized covering everything adequately was nearly impossible.

Flame Wave fared better, thanks to his mastery over elemental magnetic power. At least he could quickly form an elemental magnetic net in his eyes and approach the Ice and Fire Marsh, finding it effective against the marsh's power.

Since this direction proved correct, their only way out was to train their elemental magnetic coverage. Fortunately, Flame Wave's "Feast Color Pills" were sufficient, and he felt mastering the technique might not be as difficult as initially thought.

Indeed, after continuous research and exploration, Flame Wave discovered a relatively easier method—first enveloping the body with elemental magnetic power, then extracting five elements to form a net.

Following Flame Wave, Flicker Shadow quickly mastered the technique, controlling elemental magnetic power more precisely and powerfully, shaping it at will. This ability to "mold" elemental magnetic power excited Flicker Shadow, who kept experimenting. In his enthusiasm, he even joked with the ice crystal worm, changing its "cage" into various shapes and elemental forces—resulting in a mishap when one type of elemental magnetic net failed to affect the worm, allowing it to escape.

"Ah..." Flicker Shadow was momentarily dumbfounded, then quickly tried to recapture the worm.

But this time, the worm had too much space to flee and was more sensitive to Flicker Shadow's elemental magnetic power, dodging effortlessly and even teasing him, infuriating Flicker Shadow to the point of wanting to tear apart the abyss to catch it.

"Let's just leave it," Flame Wave suggested, "You can't do anything about it anyway, letting it go is one solution."

"But, it's despicable," Flicker Shadow still harbored resentment for the pain the ice crystal worm caused him, and more importantly, "Letting it roam free, I fear it might harm us."

"Didn't you say it had no hostility?" Raina Grace always found Flicker Shadow's instincts accurate. She observed the ice crystal worm floating not far above Flicker Shadow's head, not leaving, "Maybe it wants to stay with you?"

"What? I don't want to keep a worm!" Flicker Shadow reacted strongly, attempting to shoo it away, not hoping to catch it, just wishing it would leave. However, no matter what he did, the ice crystal worm followed at a safe distance.

Raina Grace watched amusedly for a while, then continued her training, being the slowest to master it. But she felt close to a breakthrough, just needing a bit more effort.

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