Chapter 82 Prosperous Gathering

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Prosperous Gathering is the most glamorous and luxurious place in the Sky Domain. With guests arriving like clouds and dazzling lights, it's a hub of grandeur. Men, dressed in splendid suits, exude elegance and charm; women, in gorgeous evening gowns, captivate with their beauty. They freely roam through various lounges and halls of Prosperous Gathering, their laughter and chatter a testament to their endless confidence and allure.

Groups gather, passionately discussing hobbies, fashion trends, and sharing insights. Some engage in animated discussions about politics and societal issues, exchanging views on the star realms; others delve into arts and literature, exploring inspiring works and creative ideas.

Beautiful music echoes through the banquet hall, where couples dance gracefully, their movements as fluid as swans gliding across a lake. Onlookers applaud and cheer, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.

Youth indulge in various games, their laughter and excitement palpable with each competitive round. The mix of joy from the winners and the disappointment of the losers creates a tense yet passionate mood, infecting everyone present.

More than just entertainment, Prosperous Gathering is an essential social nexus in the Sky Domain. Acquaintances and strangers alike converse and connect, forming new friendships and deepening old ones. They share experiences and opinions, engaging in gossip and rumors, making it a whirlwind of information and intrigue.

The entire scene at Prosperous Gathering is like a splendid tapestry, each detail exuding luxury and finesse, with unspoken jokes and insider lingo; there's an undercurrent of flirtation and even outright confrontation.

For Raina Grace, who grew up in the ocean and forests, this is her first foray into such opulence and social intricacies. The colorful lights, intricate etiquette, and lofty conversations are dizzying, yet she's deeply curious about what they're discussing and doing, though she understands none of it.

She observes and imitates, sometimes even joining conversations. While some ignore her, mock her, or kindly correct her, she absorbs it all, even attempting to return the gestures.

But Prosperous Gathering isn't just about surface glamour; there are undercurrents of turmoil, which Raina notices. She realizes that the straightforward conflicts she witnessed in the Freedom Valley pale in comparison to the more sophisticated and manipulative interactions of advanced human societies.

Raina also struggles with the working hours of Prosperous Gathering, which operate from evening until dawn, conflicting with her natural rhythm. During the day, she can't rest properly, as she's a trainee "Avril" - a female attendant at Prosperous Gathering. Male attendants are known as "Yashis."

As an Avril trainee, Raina must learn numerous rules of Prosperous Gathering, including both official and unspoken ones, and the "essential qualities" of the staff, as emphasized by the chief, Yín Jiā. While she manages the physical aspects easily, the nuanced understanding of the rules and their underlying meanings confound her.

Yín Jiā often chastises Raina for not understanding social niceties, piling on more tasks when she thinks Raina is being defiant. Despite not rebelling, Raina struggles to apply her training in practice.

Raina Grace found the etiquette and movements at Prosperous Gathering manageable, but the subtleties beneath the words, the multiple layers of meaning in a single sentence, perplexed her greatly.

"Are you really from a primitive society? You don't understand the first thing about human interactions!" Yín Jiā would often reiterate this in frustration.

Whenever Raina nodded in agreement, Yín Jiā interpreted it as defiance, resulting in even more tasks for her. But, when put into practice, Raina would still make mistakes.

"Why do you think you don't fit in here at Prosperous Gathering?" Yín Jiā questioned her. "Why is it that you perform perfectly during training, but falter in real situations? If it weren't for your appearance, do you think anyone could work here?"

Raina's unique charm and affability were perfect for the role of an Avril, but she struggled to adapt to the more nuanced aspects of the job. She had sought out this position at Prosperous Gathering out of necessity, having nowhere else to turn due to her lack of modern skills and identity.

After multiple setbacks and near captures by the Sky Domain Patrol, guided by a well-wisher, Raina found her way to Prosperous Gathering. She was captivated by the splendor and excitement of the place and initially eager to excel in her role. However, she soon realized that the services provided at Prosperous Gathering were not as straightforward as they seemed, involving complexities and darkness she instinctively wanted to avoid.

Aside from this, Raina was fascinated by the variety of people and topics she encountered – areas like literature, art, politics, and philosophy, which were entirely new to her. She also heard about an academic institution in the Sky Domain, a place dedicated to learning, but her lack of identity barred her access.

Yín Jiā mentioned that, with Prosperous Gathering's influence, it might be possible to acquire an identity for her.

Again, the issue of identity emerged. Was she destined to be constrained by this concept of 'identity' forever? She had thought about finding Flame Wave, but no one she asked, including Yín Jiā, knew the name.

Yín Jiā warned her that staying at Prosperous Gathering required adherence to its rules. Negligence in her duties could lead to dismissal, and leaving was not simple, considering the debts she had accumulated. This was almost a threat, intended to awaken Raina to the realities of her situation.

Raina's difficulty lay in 'performing' the standard Avril actions and attitudes, unlike those trained from a young age who responded instinctively to these rules. For her, performing was against her nature.

Despite her inexperience with 'work,' Raina understood that Prosperous Gathering was not just sheltering her; they expected a return on their investment. That return, as she observed, was in the form of currency – the more guests they entertained, the more they spent, and the more currency Prosperous Gathering earned. This hospitality depended entirely on the services provided by the Avrils and Yashis.

These service rules, shaped by years of Prosperous Gathering's operational experience, were compiled into a comprehensive manual, which all Avrils and Yashis were required to memorize and follow. However, the execution varied based on individual talents and personalities. Some, like Yín Jiā, thrived and became 'Chiefs,' almost co-owners of Prosperous Gathering. Others barely managed, relegated to more menial tasks. Raina found herself unskilled in both these money-making approaches.

Thus, she struggled to perform her duties while secretly searching for alternative ways to create unique value. She wanted to remain at Prosperous Gathering not merely by strenuous 'performance,' but by finding a role that aligned with her innate qualities and strengths.

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