Chapter 46 The Azure Phoenix

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In the valley, at midnight, Coiled Stone leisurely returned to his dwelling. He had just come back from Le'an Residence, still basking in the enthusiastic flattery of young girls.

Indeed, he was still a valuable asset in the Free People's Tribe; wherever he went, who wouldn't respectfully call him "Uncle Coiled Stone"?

"Uncle Coiled Stone."

A calm voice called out from the darkness, startling the self-satisfied Coiled Stone.

"Who's there?"

A figure rose from the shadows, brandishing something shiny in the dim light—a sharp dagger!

"Don't move, and don't shout. Otherwise, you won't be faster than the knife in my hand."

Coiled Stone swallowed his scream, containing his initial panic. He recognized the voice. "Flicker Shadow? What are you doing? Threatening with a knife, disregarding the tribe's conventions?"

The shadow hiding in the darkness was indeed Flicker Shadow, not truly hiding his identity, but finding the dark environment more conducive for action.

The shadow hiding in the darkness was indeed Flicker Shadow, not truly hiding his identity, but finding the dark environment more conducive for action

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"Uncle Coiled Stone, whether I'm scaring you or not, you'll find out soon enough. If you don't answer my questions honestly."

Coiled Stone knew Flicker Shadow's ruthless nature and guessed his purpose for coming tonight. He regretted boasting to Flicker Shadow earlier that day.

"Flicker Shadow, let's talk this out. Even if I said something wrong, my intention was for your good."

Flicker Shadow tossed the knife in his hand. "Cut the crap. You know what I want to ask. Do you have any news about Raina Grace?"

As he spoke, he moved closer to Coiled Stone, and before he finished speaking, the knife was at Coiled Stone's throat.

Coiled Stone broke out in cold sweat but still protested, "Raina Grace? Who's that? I don't know her!"

Flicker Shadow didn't make any further moves, just stared into Coiled Stone's eyes. "Not true. You must know something! You were so eager to bring Raina Grace back to claim credit, and now you say you don't know her? Be careful with your next words. If it's another lie, I'll stop asking. Because the dead cannot speak!"

"You dare to kill in the tribe?" Coiled Stone asked with a trembling voice.

Flicker Shadow sneered. "Remember, this is your last chance. Do you know anything about Raina Grace?"

Coiled Stone was genuinely scared. The cold ruthlessness in Flicker Shadow's eyes reminded him of his decisive and swift actions when hunting in the Verdant Thistle Forest. If he didn't say something, his fate could be the same as those beasts.

"I know... a little..." His hesitation and delay were useless. Flicker Shadow impatiently pushed the dagger forward, and Coiled Stone felt a chilling pain. "She's no longer in the valley! Yes, she left! She was taken away by the Saintess, to the Verdant Thistle Forest!"

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