Chapter 94 Airship

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"Although the Bamboo family looks down on our Wood Alliance, we are still a major producer of textiles, so we're always under their surveillance. The new products you've been leading the development of have caught the Bamboo family's attention. They've requested that we bring our newly developed textiles for them to inspect." Although Luminous Harmony had appointed Raina Grace as his assistant, he had barely inquired into her affairs since assigning her to the warehouse. Now that the Bamboo family was involved, he sought Raina Grace's opinion.

"What does 'take a look' mean? Do all textiles produced by the Wood Alliance have to be inspected by the Bamboo family?" Raina Grace was unaware of the Bamboo family's intentions.

"Generally, textiles certified by the Bamboo family are guaranteed to be of high quality, so products that catch their interest significantly increase in value, and the Wood Alliance rarely has such an opportunity. They must have learned through other channels about the high quality of our new textiles. Inviting you over is just their way of wanting to meet the person behind it, perhaps to see if there's an opportunity to persuade you to join them," Luminous Harmony explained patiently.

"They're starting to persuade so soon? Wouldn't that mean the Wood Alliance will never have the chance to develop its own unique products?" Raina Grace wondered if Luminous Harmony would tolerate this, and if he would support her going to the Bamboo family.

"While the conditions and status of the family clans are relatively higher, and most people aspire to climb higher, survival and competition are actually more fierce. And before teaching the technique you developed, the steward specifically chose junior and promising textile craftsmen, also making it clear to them that they should continue to serve in the Wood Alliance. Although some will inevitably leave, others will stay," Luminous Harmony shared his arrangements with Raina Grace, hoping she would see the broader picture.

"I heard that even if we produce new fabrics, we're powerless in tailoring, having to rely on the Bamboo family's tools. So, even if we retain the textile craftsmen, there's little the Wood Alliance can control, right?" Raina Grace voiced her long-standing concern.

Luminous Harmony looked at Raina Grace approvingly, surprised she quickly noticed another aspect of the issue that hindered progress: "Indeed, tools are a major problem. The Bamboo family has developed their cutting technology and tools over a long period, and we can't compare to them overnight. We have no choice but to hand over the newly woven fabrics to them for processing, as fabric alone is useless if it can't be made into clothes."

"Isn't the Bamboo family's tools forged by the Fire family? Can't the Wood Alliance ask the Fire family to create some cutting tools?" Raina Grace suggested. With the Wood Alliance's vast infrastructure, there should be some connection with the Fire family.

Luminous Harmony had considered this: "But aside from supplying materials from the Surface Domain to the various clans as requested by the Horizontally family, the Wood Alliance rarely interacts directly with them. So, asking the Fire family to make tools specifically for us is quite difficult."

"However, the Wood Alliance is the most basic institution in the Sky Domain, and almost everyone who advances from the Surface Domain starts here before gradually joining the clans. Don't they have any fondness for the Wood Alliance, the place that launched their journey?" Raina Grace felt this could be a starting point, and perhaps she had found a contact.

"You thought of that?" Luminous Harmony was surprised by Raina Grace's insight, which aligned with his own thoughts. "It seems you really didn't advance to the Sky Domain through the usual means, unaware of the lengths people go to and the ruthless measures they employ. Thus, you can't empathize with their view of the alliance merely as a stepping stone."

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